Wednesday, June 22, 2016

BATTLE POINTS MEMO 2016 (#1 22 JUN 2016)


Making America great again with Donald J. Trump
#1 22 JUN 2016

(Posted on "Cats, Guns, and National Security" -- )


Today marks the resurrection of my 2008 "newsletter" of sorts for the upcoming Presidential election, distributing news and items, often with my own "Battle Point" analysis and assessment.  Donald J. Trump represents the last best hope for America.  Whatever disagreements one might have with him, that singular fact remains, and is the reason to support him with all each of us can.

All of these Battle Points Memos will be posted on my Cats, Guns, and National Security blog ( )




BATTLE POINT: Trump: "Hillary Clinton wants to be president. But she doesn't have the temperament, or, as Bernie Sanders said, the judgment, to be president. She believes she is entitled to the office. Her campaign slogan is 'I'm with her.' You know what my response to that is? I'm with you, the American people. She thinks it's all about her."



BATTLE POINT: It's an experience unlike any other in American political history.




1. Trump's prior acceptance of bans on such was expressed in a statement which otherwise noted his general OPPOSITION to gun control.

2. Trump has been forthright about his understanding of the issue being corrected (by his outdoorsmen sons, notably):

"[T]he media describes the AR-15 as an 'assault rifle,' which is one example of the many distortions they use to sell their agenda. However, the AR-15 does not fall under this category. Gun-banners are unfortunately preoccupied with the AR-15, magazine capacity, grips, and other aesthetics, precisely because of its popularity." (Ammoland interview, 07 JUL 2015)

3. Trump publicly and vociferously OPPOSED the NY SAFE Act "assault weapons" ban in 2013.

"Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That's been proven every time it's been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like 'assault weapons', 'military-style weapons' and 'high capacity magazines' to confuse people. What they're really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own."

5. THE BLUNT POLITICS OF IT ALL: EVERY nominated Republican Presidential candidate since 1980, save for John McCain, has expressed support for or acceptance of such a ban while in--or in Ronald Reagan's case, after leaving--political office.  For their part, McCain worked with "Americans for Gun Safety," an anti-gun front group, and Reagan as California governor also signed serious anti-gun legislation. For Trump's opponents to hold his flatly renounced statement as a non-politician against him over 15 years later, but conveniently ignore the history of their ringleader Mitt Romney and others, when faced with the likes of Hillary Clinton as the likely Democrat nominee, demonstrates the intellectual disingenuousness and character vacuum of their entire effort.  NeverTrumpers are concerned solely about their own personal political interests, not the survival of the country.
