Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Question about Islam apologists, with the answer and what to do with it.

Christians don't believe Jesus was just a "perfect" example.  They believe He was THE perfect example.  They don't believe he was just a prophet.  They believe He was THE Prophet.  They don't just believe He was from God.  They believe He was/is the SON of God (and in most Christian theologies, Himself God).  They don't believe He just brought a message.  They believe He Himself in a sense WAS ACTUALLY THE MESSAGE!  They don't believe He just brought the way of salvation.  They believe He WAS/IS THE WAY OF SALVATION. 
Jesus is thus far more central and essential to Christian theology and spirituality than Muhammed could ever be in Islam.  Yet when His reputation is mocked, Christians don't launch into worldwide riots.  When a Christian is killed, they don't claim a personal right of vengeance, but rather submit to the proper authorities for justice.  When a Christian departs from the faith, they don't hunt him or her down and kill them (I am living proof of this).  And, when one of their own does do any of the above, they--get this--work WITH authorities to bring him to justice (witness Eric Rudolph). 
So, here is my question: What do Western seemingly-dhimmi apologists for Jihadis and Shariah mean when they in word and deed declare mocking Muhammed to be so much more offensive to Muslims than mocking Jesus is to Christians?
Well, since I'm a believer in truth far more than I am a believer in free exchange of ideas, I will tell you the answer: Though for those on the Left (and a few on the Right--Ron Paul, Nazis, etc.), it is partly them working with the Jihadis to tear down Western--especially American--society, heritage, civilization, and/or national power, the real meaning is that they are scared shitless that the sheetheads will burn down their homes and property and saw their heads off!  In other words, mocking Muhammed is more offensive to Muslims than mocking Jesus is to Christians because Muslims are violent people whose faith leads them to violence.  Their "Religion of Peace" bullshit is belied by their own deference to Muslim "sensitivities" over those of Christians, Jews, and all other faiths. 
Now, since I'm finding that pointing people to the answer just isn't enough, I will now instruct you on how to use the above information.  You DON'T use it by saying, "Yep, that's right!" then going on with life and with previous approaches to this issue when it arises in your life.  You USE it by slamming back at anyone offering a call for sensitivity toward the camelfucking adherents to the biggest threat to our way of life since Soviet Communism. 
When someone says, "Well, you just don't understand what such a thing means to Muslims," you say,
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"Oh, I do.  It means to them, quote, 'I get to go rape little girls, kill school children and old people, and blow up things while people like YOU *point to apologist* cover my ass and wage the propaganda war for the establishment of the World Caliphate!'  What people like you might call, 'Muslim sensitivities' is in fact simply their spiritual, political, and mental devotion and addiction to wanton violence, and their inability to control themselves.  You in fact make the best case possible for doing what George Washington desired to do to an earlier incarnation of their drive for a World Caliphate--'crush them into non-existence.'  I thank you for that."
(Then, if the conversation is online, offer this: "Those murderous bastards go around saying, 'Peace be on you.'  Well, the next time to talk with a representative of your child-killing "religion of peace," tell them I said, 'THIS be on you!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNK7jNHEllg&feature=player_detailpage#t=132s.)
Now obviously you are free to make necessary alterations to match the situation and your own personal style.  And of course, under my cardinal rule, "Don't screw over your allies," this is not intended for use with TRULY "moderate" (for want of a better word) Muslims such as Zudhi Jasser.  (Some people are too dense to understand this without specific explanations.)  The object here is to assault enemy propagandists and discredit their propaganda by pointing out the obvious, 800-pound-gorilla-in-the-room truth regarding what they are saying. 
In addition, it serves a purpose similar to that of the now-discontinued bayonet training at Army Basic Combat Training--building aggression.  Even as jamming a sharp blade or the buttstock of a rifle into a target helps inculcate a sense of destruction--a trait needed by our society more than ever--the use of facts and approaches like those laid out above help build in both the speaker and any bystanders on your side a sense of vehement dedication to the cause of destroying the Jihadi threat.  Many will say this is wrong to do.  But as we see with the apologists for the Jihadis, their words actually prove the reality is far different. 
Now... Move out and kick ass!