Monday, April 2, 2012

(Extended) ACT! for America and others in Hillsborough, FL School Board; and, "How to handle Islam and keep the PC Left from complaining!"

"Act for America & Other Civic Groups to School Board: 'HAMAS/CAIR Out of Our Schools!'":
"Americans Fighting to Save Their Children From The Muslim Brotherhood and Liberals" (followup news report):

"American Patriots Saving their Country With TRUTH Speech": (The issues raised in this clip reminded me of the following)
How to handle Islam and keep the PC Left from complaining!
A liberal, anti-GWOT Democrat civilian contractor--that means he's PC, so we can repeat what he said without being "racist"--I worked with in Kosovo said that there are only two ways to deal with Muslims--pay them off or kill them off. Well, paying jizya is wrong and only a short-term answer in any case, and the American people are too wimpy and stupid to kill off a billion camelfuckers. So, I have conceived a third option, one the Left in America supported once before:
Use the models provided by the treatment of WWII German Nazism and Japanese militarism (including its Shinto connection). Actions would include banning public discussion of things like 9/11 conspiracy theories and sinister anti-Western insinuations of Al Qaeda's origins, as being comparable to "Holocaust denial," and preventing ANY Islamic influence in the civil governments of currently Muslim countries, which was done with Shintoism in post-WWII Japan. The Muslim crescent would be banned like the swastika in Germany, and Muslim countries would be barred from possessing any military forces, as Japan is officially, but this would be made to stick. International war crimes trials would be held to prosecute literally tens of thousands of imams, shiekhs, and CAIR directors. That big black meteorite in Mecca would be destroyed, comparable to this famous scene: , and public Muslim liturgical practice would be limited to very select large mosques and monitored by Western security personnel, comparable to Shintoism's restrictions during the Allied occupation of Japan. Religious minorities in Muslim countries would be given their own states, as the Jews received Israel after the war, and victims of abuse at the hands of Jihad and Shariah would receive monetary and other compensation, comparable to what has only recently started to occur for people like the Koreans for the abuse by the Japanese. "De-Muslimification"--or more precisely, "De-Shariafication"--programs would be instituted, comparable to "De-Nazification" in Germany, and phrases like "Allahu Akbar" would be banned, comparable to the banning of "Heil Hitler" in Germany. The list of applications could go on and on.
A few differences would exist, of course. The Middle Eastern Muslims would be forever stripped of any profit from their oil reserves. Cooperative Muslim states like Albania and Kosovo would receive special dispensation, provided they strongly suppressed any Jihadi or Shariah movements. And Middle Eastern Muslims would be banned from air travel for at least a century (but given the fact that Muslims are inherently military tools, this would be comparable to restrictions on Germany military air power after World War I)--except, of course, by flying carpet. LOL
This approach, which has been suggested piecemeal by many in recent years, offers a much more politically viable option for the wimped-down Western populace than incinerating a billion people. It could not be objected to by the Left, given how it pushed for the original anti-Axis actions against less insidious enemies. And while it would cost more than a few neutron bombs scattered over the Middle East, it offers opportunities for rich reparations. Some corporate interests with ties to the Arab/Muslim economy would dislike the idea, but their corporate leaderships would be given an "all-or-nothing" choice--either be part of the exploitation, or be treated as collaborators. (Don't get me started on how we would treat Western dhimmis!)
These actions have been done before.  Let us learn from that past.
NOTE: For a more illustrative angle on this, I strongly recommend the fictional alternate history "Southern Victory/Timeline-191" series by Harry Turtledove with regard to the handling of the rebellious Mormon/LDS Church in the story.  Elements used therein offer to a limited degree both a practical and legal model for the application of the steps outlined above.  (Please note that no disrespect is intended toward the LDS faith, any LDS-derived church, or Mormons themselves in the citation of this book series.  Indeed, the story includes cases of loyal Mormons suffering no ill results from the steps taken in the story.  Rather, my citation is intended solely to point my loyal readers to a narrative comparable to the issue being discussed.  Oh, and to promote what I think is a fascinating alternate-history series!)