Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Obama 3; Paul 0", or "Why Obama is better than Ron Paul if you want to keep your guns, and a conclusion"

I'll keep it simple:
There is no question Obama is better than Ron Paul on national security and the Global War on Terrorism [aka, "... Towelheads"] (GWOT). On our Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA), Ron Paul is politically pro-Second Amendment, while Obama is anti-Second Amendment. However, Ron Paul's foreign policy would open America up to foreign domination, be it other state actors and UN-type organization which oppose private arms, or Jihadists whose Shariah law forbids dhimmi infidels from doing so.
So on two of the three important issues--national security and guns--Obama is actually comes out with a net lead over Paul.
As for the third and final important issue--namely, CATS--it is known that Muslims like cats, whereas Paul as a libertarian is inclined to oppose animal cruelty laws, even voting against outlawing the interstate shipment of "crush" videos, where kittens are crushed to death for entertainment.
So we see that on the three important issues facing our society--GWOT, RKBA, and CATS--Obama beats Ron Paul.
You're welcome.