Tuesday, January 24, 2012

From ACT! for America: CAIR falsely attacks ALAC

Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:59 PM
Subject: CAIR falsely attacks ALAC
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ACT! for America

January 24, 2012

CAIR's false attacks on ALAC legislation

Dear Lee,

CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) is at it again.

This past Sunday, CAIR put out the release below, claiming that American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) legislation, recently introduced in Virginia, is "unconstitutional."

Let's examine their release closely.

  • First, CAIR claims ALAC is "anti-Muslim." If so, why is it that ALAC legislation has won the endorsement of the American Islamic Leadership Coalition (AILC), a coalition of reformist Muslim leaders?

    In a release put out August 31, 2011, the AILC stated, referring to HB 4769, the ALAC bill introduced in Michigan: "We see no evidence that statutes like HB 4769 will adversely impact the free exercise of our personal pietistic observance of Islam…"

    The AILC knows that Muslims who reject sharia law will be protected under this legislation. For CAIR to argue ALAC is anti-Muslim is disingenuous and lacking any factual support.

  • Second, CAIR claims ALAC is "racist." Again, consider the words of the AILC in its support of ALAC: "To equate Bill 4769 to racism is not only dishonest, but is a poor and clumsy attempt at making ordinary Muslim Americans feel alien in their own homeland, while creating a rift between Muslims and the rest of our country."

  • Third, CAIR repeats the canard that ALAC will prevent Muslims from executing wills. Nonsense. If this were true we're sure the AILC would not have endorsed it. What ALAC does is prevent state courts from applying foreign law if doing so infringes on the constitutional rights of a party in the case. A good example would be a Muslim woman denied equal protection under the law, as is commonly the case under sharia law.

  • Fourth, CAIR uses the scare tactic that Catholics and people of other faiths would be banned from applying religious traditions. Again, utter nonsense. The linchpin of ALAC is its protection of those whose constitutional rights would be violated if foreign law were applied. And for CAIR to say with a straight face that the Catholic canon is the "equivalent" of sharia law is ludicrous.

  • Lastly, CAIR calls ALAC "suddenly controversial." Hardly. Nearly two years ago ACT! for America helped get ALAC passed in Tennessee with strong bipartisan support, and nearly a year ago we helped it get passed in Arizona—again with bipartisan support.
We all need to remember that CAIR has been affirmed by our Justice Department as the American front organization for the terrorist group Hamas and that it was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in American history.

We also need to remember that its communications director, Ibrahim Hooper, stated in 1993 that he would like to see the government of the U.S. be Islamic sometime in the future. And in 1998 CAIR's co-founder proclaimed that the Qur'an should be the highest authority in America.

So while CAIR peddles falsehoods, canards and scare tactics about ALAC, we should all understand its REAL agenda—the imposition of sharia law in America.

Virginia anti-Sharia law unconstitutional


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says a new law that has been proposed in the State of Virginia is anti-Muslim and unconstitutional.

Titled Morris' HB631, the new bill was introduced by Virginia General Assembly Delegate Rick L. Morris (R-House District 64) on January 11.

"Unfortunately, a state delegate in Virginia, has introduced a piece of legislation that is copied from an extreme anti-Muslim (and) racist who has made a template for such laws nationwide and they have been introduced in more than 20 states and now Virginia and Pennsylvania being the latest," CAIR's National Communications Director, Ibrahim Hooper, has told Press TV's U.S. Desk.

The anti-Sharia proposed law would ban courts from applying religious traditions to proceedings, such as the execution of a will among Muslims. Not only the religious Muslim code, the new bill would also prohibit the application of the Catholic equivalent, canon law, and other religious guidelines.

The suddenly controversial bill is scheduled to be heard by a Virginia legislature House subcommittee next Monday.

In U.S. courts, judges can refer to Sharia law in Muslim litigation involving cases about divorce and custody proceedings or in commercial litigation.


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