Thursday, December 29, 2011

An honest appraisal on the ONLY way to actually end the Jihadist threat and win GWOT

In simple terms, to reform Islam from being an expansionist Jihad faith will ultimately involve the same tactics used in the reforming of American Christianity on the issue of slavery.
The Judeo-Christians Scriptures uphold the legitimacy of holding slaves (e.g. Philemon), and this was the message of many American Christian denominations circa 1860. But soon thereafter, this doctrine was essentially gone from American Christianity. Eventually, say what a denomination might about racial characteristics or race relations, almost none would uphold their scriptures' position and say, "Slavery is not a sin"--at least not without qualifying such a statement with an obligatory White Liberal Guilt condemnation of America's slave-holding history. This change was brought about ultimately not by persuasion, gradual changes in attitude, or even societal pressure, but rather by the grinding of an independent Confederate States of America by United States military action.
With all due respect to elements of the greater Islamic tradition who are trying to reform their faith in terms of such things as Jihad and the "World Caliphate" mandate (e.g., Zudhi Jasser), Islam is doctrinally structured and spiritually empowered in such a way as to make such reforms by persuasion, gradual changes in attitude, or even societal pressure essentially impossible. It will require the same action used in the American War Between the States--sanctions, invasions, mass destructions (cf., Atlanta), occupations, and forced restructuring of their governments and societies--only more so. This and this alone--the subjugation of the Islamic peoples--holds any chance of ending Islam's 1400-year-long Jihad against the world.
Given another generation or two after 1860, (southern) Christian views on slavery would little doubt have indeed been reformed from their biblical stance to one more akin to the secular "enlightenment" of the North and most of the rest of the Western world. And indeed, had that approach been taken, rather than electing an abolitionist like Abraham Lincoln and/or pressing an instant emancipation and enfranchisement of the slave people, most of the hostilities and tensions over race in America today would never have developed. That would have most preferable.
However, Islam is a different religion than Christianity, and the Muslim peoples of the Middle East and most other areas of the world (some Balkan Muslims are of a completely different breed) are a completely different kind of people (cf. Genesis 16:11-12 ). Waiting patiently will not work with them. Only overwhelming brute force, accompanied by support for truly "moderate" elements within their populations, possess even a chance of accomplishing such a reformation. Until that time, America and the West will continue to have to choose between taking our war of defense to them, or suffering their war of offense on our own soil. And personally, I'd rather kill them over there than have them killing us over here.
There is simply no other choice. They are different from us, and civilized approaches which have worked against other enemies will not work here. In that vein I leave you with a statement from our leading Founding Father (with a short followup from yours truly). May those who lean either to "liberal enlightenment" or an unfortunate "non-interventionism" some perceive in our Founders' words take this to heart:
Some of the late treaties which have been entered into... seem to constitute a new era in negotiation, and to promise the happy consequences I have just now been mentioning. But let me ask you my Dr. Marquis, in such an enlightened, in such a liberal age, how is it possible the great maritime powers of Europe should submit to pay an annual tribute to the little piratical States of Barbary (the Jihadists of the day--Me)? Would to Heaven we had a navy able to reform those enemies to mankind, or crush them into non-existence.
And would to Heaven we had a people able to maintain that 9-12 attitude ( ) needed to empower such a fight. Our lives and our civilization depend on it.