Thursday, December 29, 2011

Case study in need for Muslims to watch their steps, and in justifying our special scrutiny of them

He was a meteorologist in Alaska until last year... He became a Muslim terrorist. Homegrown jihad.
A little more than a year ago, he was a weather forecaster at a remote outpost in King Salmon, Alaska, population 442. He and his wife — he with his close-trimmed red beard and shy smile, she with her rosebud cheeks and sweet English accent — lived in a two-story frame house strewn with ...
COMMENT: One must read the story BEFORE trying to understand this comment. The key word there is, "BEFORE." This means you read the article, and then read the comment, and only after all that, try to understand and if need be respond to it.
First, the man took money for his supposedly joking planning. That's where we see undeniable criminality. And if there was no intervention there by authorities, and something had indeed happened--say, the fellow set off a bomb as he was leaving for the UK--and the story was found out, the same common-people libertards who call this entrapment would demand to know why nothing was done.
Second, the fact that this ex-veteran (sorry, I cannot call him an actual "veteran") could be so easily hooked into America-hating Jihad talk--joking or not--after his conversion to the America-hating religion of Islam anecdotally demonstrates the inherent and specific danger posed by that entire theo-political construct (hattip to LTC Allen West for the term). It is this peculiar and seemingly unique trait of this foreign and minority religion which justifies special profiling and scrutiny being given to its adherents. Muslims at airports warrant extra safety screenings, and thus they should be prepared for peculiar treatment. Muslims gatherings warrant special monitoring and restrictions, and thus they should be arranged with complete openness and care about what is taught or presented. And frankly, the words of Muslims warrant special attention, and thus Muslims frankly need to be more careful what they say than others in America. (For the PC readers, consider how expressions which are treated as protected speech when said between two Blacks becomes "hate speech" when spoken by a White. End your own far worse discrimination before you slam mine.)