Monday, November 22, 2010

"Israeli Security Expert: U.S. Must Profile Passengers" (and other articles)

"Yes, profiling," [Isaac Yeffet, former security chief for El Al Israel Airlines] said. 'Every passenger has to be interviewed by security. We have to be polite. We know how to ask questions.'

"Yeffet said it is unnecessary to search 'innocent people,' and security should instead focus on determining if a passenger is suspicious by int...ensively interviewing them.

"'We at El Al have used the hand/body search for so many years, but we did it only to suspicious passengers that were interviewed by us.'"
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Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):1. Poll Supports Donald Trump for President2. Israeli Security Expert: U.S. Must Profile Passengers3. Bill Richardson: Bill Clinton Still 'Sore'4. Seniors See Retirement Woes for Their Children5. Ethanol Subsidies Called 'a Pure Waste'6. George Bush: Bill
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