Monday, November 22, 2010

From ACT! for America: "They're enemy combatants" (petition linked)

Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 11:17 AM

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ACT! for America

"Citizen Appeal to the 112th Congress"

Add your name to this ten-point appeal—
which opposes civilian criminal trials for
enemy combatants

[Editor's note: Friday's email included a photo of Guy Rodgers speaking at a podium. The photo should have included this credit: "Courtesy of Jack Kemp," ]

Dear Lee,

Last week the Obama administration's attempt to try Ahmed Ghailani in a civilian criminal court proved a failure.

Charged with over 280 counts, he was convicted on only one—thanks in large part to the judge's exclusion of a key prosecution witness.

The Obama administration appears determined to treat enemy combatants as criminals who deserve more due process rights than a captured enemy soldier would receive under the Geneva Convention.

If you agree with us that trying enemy combatants in civilian courts is foolish and dangerous, add your name to our "Citizen Appeal to the 112th Congress."

If you saw our email last Friday, the delivery of our 120,000 name Ground Zero Mosque petition to Mayor Michael Bloomberg created quite a stir. 9/11 families at the press conference thanked us profusely for our efforts to successfully arouse public opinion.

We want to deliver just such a strong grassroots message to Congress regarding national security, so they don't overlook our concerns as they tackle the deficit, taxes, and high unemployment.

It takes so little time to add your name to our "Citizen Appeal." But it will mean so much. Because when we deliver the petition, Congress will hear us. The more signers of the petition, the better!

Among the ten points in our National Security appeal, we are calling on Congress to…

  • Secure our border and protect us from the increasing flow of terrorists into America.

  • Oppose any accommodation to shariah law.

  • Address the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood and its front organizations in America.

  • Pressure the Obama administration to accurately define our enemy as "jihadists."

  • Oppose civilian criminal trials for enemy combatants.

  • Amend our humanitarian refugee acts to require that all refugees who enter the United States swear under oath they will not support any theological totalitarian political system, under penalty of deportation.
To read the entire "Citizen Appeal" and to add your name to this grassroots document, click here. Our plan is to deliver this sometime in February, not long after the new Congress is gaveled into session.

And please forward this email to everyone you know. Let your voice be heard!


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ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America's national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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