Wednesday, January 8, 2025

THE DAILY FUDD: E278: “Relating Charlie Kirk statement to TDF RKBA approach.”

Charlie Kirk addressed to question from someone at least presenting himself as a rather purist RKBA advocate. Whether that purist was sincere or a mole/troll, I do not know.

MY COMMENT: “Political realities, folks, preclude this fellow’s approach regardless. Holding onto some private firepower requires a moderate approach. Purism will only turn a vast swath of the American people against gun rights. See my channel page for a link my blog’s “Daily Fudd” series. Edition 10–"An Originalist fudd-ish argument regarding full-auto and 2A” offers a prospective  that can give judges a line to be true to the Founders and secure essential firepower, including our AR15s and such, while excluding items like cruise missiles.”

Kirk is not college-educated. His ability in things like historical analysis of the Constitution is limited. He will often take a knee-jerk surface approach to things, though as he has aged and matured he has done better. So I do not know if he would except the ideas in TDF 10 (linked above) or not. I don’t know if he would even understand it. But I give credit that he recognizes something adjacent to the concept.

If anyone who happens to see, this happens to know how to get it in front of him, I hope you will.