Saturday, July 29, 2023

Video short on how women are bad at giving “signals” — comments on social situation.

Affairs of the heart is one of the few areas I am not qualified to theorize on. I don’t know if the girl’s coming on to me or if she’s just being nice. But this goes to the threat that our current culture poses. 

Women want men to be men, but get mad when men are men. One conversation made his point (sic throughout):

One womans "signal" is another womans "just being nice" Woman #1," i gave you a hug, girls dont hug guys they dont know. Why didnt you ask me out?" Woman #2 " it was just a hug goodbye. A hug does not mean a girl is interested . Why would you ask me out? We barely.know each other

A later reply in the conversation said this regarding dating being about getting to know people better: 

But we now exist in a world where flirting with the wrong woman can have dire consequences, so women either need to get better at giving signals or not complain that men aren't approaching as much anymore.”