Friday, April 1, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E193: "Safety fudd: Old Iver Johnson revolver ad that even some hicks MIGHT think twice about."

Actual advertisement from 1904:

Even has issues with this:

Yup.  You can stare at it all day and it’s still a little girl in her jammies twirling her dad’s Safety Hammerless; .32 S&W was popular at the time.  “Absolutely safe!”

“Papa says it won’t hurt us.”  Because an accidental discharge, you see, is impossible.  Of course, what’s meant by accidental is that it won’t shoot unless you pull down a trigger, and a little girl isn’t strong enough to do that.  Nobody believes that sort of thing now, underestimating kids is like a bullet train to finding peanut butter inside every single electronic device you own because the DVD player looked hungry and so did his friends.

The truth, as distasteful as it may be, is that indeed people have gotten smarter about such things in recent decades. As the article put it:

Ultimately this sort of ad today would be inexcusable.  And not because of lawyers, but because that’s a girl in her jammies twirling her dad’s Safety Hammerless. (To their credit, the girl is practicing good trigger discipline.)

Now of course, there will be Teabrainers who will resist that, say it's an example of how society has been sissified, and maintain to their young children's dying day that such ads are fine and dandy. Then there's the other 90-plus percent of the population who will see them as idiots, and thus more inclined toward "gun safety" laws as a result of their idiocy. And regardless of any chant of, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!" they will win. Political reality trumps purists' "principle."

The storal of the morey (Archie Campbell fans will get that) is, be smart and realistic in your critique--that means how you judge--something like this ad. Not everything old like that is good, and to be reactionary in that manner is simply self-defeating of your side. Don't be stupid.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E192: British counter-fudd: Probably the greatest breechloading rifle ever, made a repeater (VIDEO)."

The Martini-Henry was almost indisputably the greatest standard-issue single-shot breechloading military rifle. Operation was refined to be almost as simple as possible while still being a single-shot. Other projects like the Trapdoor Springfield conversion involved multiple manual actions which the M-H accomplished in one or two moves. If yours truly were transplanted back to 1880 North America and able to set up a little fiefdom in the American West, the Martini-Henry chambered in the American .45-70 would be the standard for my little paramilitary outfit. (I'd also blackmail Colt into permitting carbines chambered in .45 Colt, but that's another matter.)

The apparatus featured here was far from practical from either a tactical or economic perspective, and it was obsolete before it arose, as the video will show. Nonetheless, it is exemplary of how some Canadian ingenuity--our cousins to the north absorb some of ours by osmosis--can seek to make the most of what is extant in terms of arms.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

THE DAILY FUDD: E190: "Aggressor fudd: VIDEO: 'Why is Russia Using Mosin Nagants in Ukraine?' ADDENDUM: Ironic: Ukraine company produces new Mosin furniture."

From YouTube transcript:


Mosin-Nagant Chassis From Raven (Crook) In Ukraine

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Defying the natural order: ARTICLE: "Students, professors demand scholar be allowed to call on ‘white, male, or someone privileged’ last."

Let's just say it: POCs and women need help competing with White males. Ideas like this one simply defy nature and attempt to create a false equality.

Candela wrote in her syllabus that “if you are white, male, or someone privileged by the racial and gender structures of our society to have your voice easily voiced and heard, we will often ask you to hold off on your questions or comments to give others priority and will come back to you a bit later or at another time,” the New York Post reported.

An alternative would be to let the best and brightest take the lead in bringing the others closer to their level.

Indeed, even liberals once held to this. The Brown v Board SCOTUS decision held that colored children could never achieve equality with White children if they were denied contact in their formative years. The hope was that White influence would raise the coloreds' character.