Saturday, October 8, 2022

Putting personal satisfaction before the cause -- The real reason this event flopped.

Basically, no actual big names, time and place set for the convenience of the organizers rather than potential attendees  and no promotion by actual big names.  And they flopped, which hurts the cause.

But darn it, the people involved wanted to do something, and it felt good.

Back in 2017, the same sort of thing was happening. People were doing "grassroots" rallies to counter the anti-Trump activities, and failing completely for the same reasons. They would even admit that they "just felt like" they "had to do something." No thought to the optics, just self-gratification. When I say that conservative-types are given to selfishness, this is a manifestation of it.

It's Teabrainery, folks. Don't do this sort of thing.  

Pro-Trump Rally-Goers Blame Mysterious Bogeymen for Latest Event Flop (