Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Tucker Carlson on crime epidemic, offers non-starter solution -- VIDEO: "Tucker Carlson: This is what the collapse of civilization looks like."

Video discusses the pro-criminal policies of major cities and the former Obama Administration, etc., and hits on the racial motivations of dark-skinned violators. He calls for "non-violent civil disobedience" as the way for good people to cause change. The problem is, of course, that the same police restrained--or of themselves restraining--from tackling the crime will readily and with the blessing of the elected leaders take down those doing so. (That said, if that's what Carlson wants, then he should lead the way.)

Two factors which will be necessary:
1. Beat down the affected areas with kinetic force. Keep in mind that the "innocent people" there largely voted FOR this to happen. This is especially true, of course, for the darker-skinned residents. Thus, "collateral damage" will rarely be a tragedy.

2. Implementation of racial reality. This can start with absolute case-by-case neutrality, but eventually some collective decisions will have to be made. The "strangers in our gates" need to be made to remember that they are OUR gates. And unfortunately, so do many of OUR people.

"Political change" at this point will require PHYSICAL force, per the vision of Federalist 46 STATE (not private) action and the leadership of President Trump restored to power.