Friday, September 23, 2022

Odd credit where perhaps due: Gun Jesus apparently isn't doing the Left-Right double standard on tyrannical flags.

Ian McCallum apparently remains anti-Trump, and I'm still blocked from commenting on his videos. BUT, at least he's not playing to the Woke crowd so much, shown by not pixelating the World War 2 German flag in his thumbnails, in contrast to his past practice and his practice with the Soviet flag. He also did so on a video several days before this one.

Video here, if you insist (offered at a link simply because The Chieftain is featured): 
Ask Ian: Why No German WW2 50-Cal Machine Guns? (feat. Nick Moran) - YouTube  

In the past he has indeed obscured such images (see below, from July). Not sure if this is a matter of conviction or some perceived loosening of YouTube bias.