Friday, August 5, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E231: "Counter-fudd follow-on to E227 for the underprepared: Buy and store your 'AWs' now, before you gotta go through a dealer."

In TDF 227, I pointed out that the 2022 gun bill would not allow for transfer of "high-capacity" magazines at all, and so now was the time for judicious acquisitions of them. However, the "semiautomatic assault weapons" affected by the bill will require going through dealers to transfer. I explained in TDF 230 about the dangers in how this is to done. In addition, some storage requirements in the bill may require acquisition of safes, and affect where these items are kept, or even handled. Open storage and "storing at a friend's place" may not be an option anymore.

And so, for those of you who are TOTALLY fudd, it's advisable that you determine what if any affected arms would be suitable for your situation, with an eye toward possible future outcomes of society. This in no way counteracts this series' repeated discussion of featureless military-grade arms as (still) viable on the modern Militia battlefield. 
Yet, some of those higher-end things can be useful.

TEXTs of bill on point:

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.