Tuesday, June 14, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E216: "Preliminary evaluation of current gun bill (14 JUN 2022) -- No national 'Red Flag,' but gun hobbyists need to think."

Sen. Cornyn defends bipartisan gun deal after conservative criticism of proposed 'red flag laws' (msn.com)

1. "Red Flag": Regards aiding STATE laws. By the nature of our system, State and local jurisdictions will tend to have more authority on matters like this. There will be no NATIONAL law under this bill, and there are due-process requirements for a State to receive the help. So it comes down to the political environment of a given State as to whether/to what degree this would be egregious or oppressive. And the TDF position has long been that people who choose to live in places like California and New York get what they deserve. 14A only goes so far, and on a number of matters many pro-gunners would fully agree on that. Nonetheless, I would call for using Involuntary Commitment systems in this regard.

2. Mental health and school safety: Yeah, whatever.

3. "Boyfriend loophole": This is the one thing that actually concerns me a bit. It can be too easy for women to go full-bitch and get their men arrested and convicted of tiny offenses. But Lautenberg had been around for decades. Until we make a more fundamental regression of our approach to romantic relations--back to "when girls were girls and men were men"--there is little to be done.

4. Gun trafficking and straw purchases: Folks, 2A is not about a hobby. It is, though, about an important right to maintain some powerful items. There will be headaches. Just check the law. And maybe, when talking to a 2A-specializing lawyer, you can encourage him to use his soapbox on radio call-in shows to actually explain how our constitutional and Common Law system works, not just feed red meat to hick Teabrainers.

5. Increase pre-21yo background checks: Depending on details, this might actually be a stroke of genius. There has long been flexibility in declaring when a given person attains majority for a given purpose. And some have called for restrictions of acquisitions by people under 21. This might split the difference--preserving the 18yo independent worker's home-defense capability while addressing the concerns about maturity.

6. "Licensed gun dealer" determination: Folks, 2A is not about a hobby! It's not about trading guns the same way kids trade baseball cards (yes, I'm old-school). There is no call for more than the occasional private gun sale, and, "But it's my right!" crashes and burns on the long-standing government power to regulate commerce. Remember: If your argument against something like this makes you sound like you literally know nothing about the subject beyond, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!" you're probably way off on your jurisprudence. And unless you want ALL private sales ended, and probably 2A repealed, you will keep in mind that given the importance of the right, a little hassle is a small price.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.  https://catsgunsandnationalsecurity.blogspot.com/2021/03/the-daily-fudd-index.html