Monday, May 30, 2022

THE DAILY FUDD: E212: "Reality, but also unintended exposure of mental health inconsistency -- VIDEO: 'The gun genie’s out of the bottle: Former FBI deputy assistant director.'"

The headline is correct: For non-NFA items, at least (and probably a few of them), there is too late in the USA to get rid of guns. Had gun control regimens been implemented from the beginning (or even 1880), things might be different. But now, all that can be accomplished is disarming the good people in the face of threats from the bad people--which, of course, is the deep agenda behind the gun control push.

However, the fellow discusses the mental health side of things. The problem is that too many on the pro-gun side will say that the crazy people are the problem--implying the answer is to control those people. On the other hand, they oppose any "Red Flag" laws, period, as a matter of course--implying control over those people is wrong. 
In typical Teabrainer fashion, they suffer a cognitive dissonance in their rhetoric, squared only their libertarian foolishness in supporting a politically self-defeating and politically and socially irresponsible vision (TDF 41, starting in Paragraph 8).

It is the TDF position that nutcases don't have the same rights as normal people. The answer, thus, is to have fiscal conservatives to bite the bullet and impose INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT rather than disarmament. If a person is THAT dangerous, then get them off the street completely. "The gun genie is out of the bottle." If they want to do harm, they'll get what they need to do so--be it a firearm, explosive, or motor vehicle. And besides, yours truly wants nutcases removed from society anyway. Give them the proper evaluation, and if they can't be cured to where they can be trusted in society with a gun, then remove them permanently.

(CAVEAT: Down's Syndrome sufferers--and yes, it's a health negative--should be given a certain carve-out as a matter of public policy, provided they are under supervision of family or private guardian, due to the birth-defect nature of their disability. They can be productive, and only rarely do they pose a threat or exceeding burden on society.)

The fellow in the video doesn't discuss his vision of what should happen, be it disarmament, confinement, or whatever. However, involuntary commitment laws to pose less inherent threat to RKBA than Red Flag laws: They don't focus on guns, and the Patriot side can use them against non-gun owners.