Friday, May 6, 2022

Examination of "nazi" use -- ARTICLE: "Why Russia thought its 'Nazi' claims would be convincing - analysis" (with brilliant commentary).


Adapted from a comment to the great Clare Lopez on her Facebook posting of this article:

Clare Lopez, you in the past have made the point of some on the Right not understanding the Left-Right distinction, and thus seeing Nazis and Communists as essentially the same thing. Thus, we have conservative pundits taking Goldberg's "Liberal Fascism" title not as the ironic descriptive of tactics it was intended to be, but rather as a literal, almost banal, statement of fact. (Granted, some know better, but they say such things because their Teabrained following doesn't.)

So now we see some of these supporting Russia in the current conflict, with NWO-type charges leveled against the Ukrainian regime. Pull up a link or two in the vast labyrinth that is international dealings, point out a policy or two that departs from their dogmatic and often quite parochial "reservation," and let the Russians throw the "nazi' (or "Nazi") charge in, and they go for it.

Of course, to be fair, during the Obama pResidency a decade ago, Putin was seen--and not without some reason--as a (the?) big defender of Western civilization. Some saw him as being among the rise of nationalist figures in the world in the mid 2010s. And as with figures like Tulsi Gabbard, that early impression is hard for them to shake. Gabbard, a few may recall, was held up by the GOP/conservative/Right in 2016 for her criticism of Obama's refusal to call out "(radical) Islamic terrorism." That first positive impression--along with her being hot, of course--still colors many a Republican's view of her, though they have forgotten that factor.

One point all should see in this article is the discussion of Israel being labeled "nazi." Though the writer at one point appears to fall into the mistake, a thinking reader will see the fallacy of using one's attitude toward Jewry as a defense against the term. "Nazi" is a concept that any demographic can use, with targeted populations being swapped in and out as pertinent. That's not to give credence to the charge against Israel--indeed, Israel has been far, far too lenient against its domestic enemy populations--but hopefully some of your readers will learn and apply the lesson, and not resort to that flawed defense.

Finally of note is the comparison of RT with Al JaZero (stylized) in terms of mixed messaging. Both will promote a liberal/Left agenda in the West, while hardly thinking the same at all at home. Not only does this show how such outfits operate, it demonstrates the real agenda of the liberal/Left: The weakening and destruction of Western civilization. Policies that are bad for a country are promoted here while rejected there. It's comparable to the, "There's a difference between a capitalist lobotomy and a (Leftist) socialist lobotomy" line from Cuba.


Thank you for posting this article.