Monday, April 11, 2022

It's finally happened -- ARTICLE: "‘Red Dawn’ hits Ukraine after destroyed Russian armor gets tagged with ‘Wolverines’."

‘Red Dawn’ hits Ukraine after destroyed Russian armor gets tagged with ‘Wolverines’

Life imitates art. For recent proof of this centuries-old maxim, look no further than this photo of an abandoned Russian infantry fighting vehicle in Ukraine with the word  “Wolverines” scrawled on the side in white spray paint in an apparent homage to the 1984 Cold War-era action flick “Red Dawn.”

The photo was shared to Twitter on Thursday in response to a tweet by NPR’s White House correspondent, Scott Detrow, who wrote that “We were driving too fast to get a clear picture – but we just drove past a destroyed Russian tank with WOLVERINES spraypainted across it.” Fortunately, Oleg Tolmachev, the head of production for Ukrainian oil and gas company Naftogaz, had seen the exact same thing and snapped a photo of it.

Continued at link above.
