Sunday, January 9, 2022

Another case of how "freedom" kills freedom: Point about comedic video ad, "Tuttle Twins - children's books that teach the ideas of freedom."

This comedic ad for a conservative/traditionalist series of book for teaching kids has drawn a ton of critical comments from liberals and Leftists. Two themes from which Tea Party-types can learn emerge:

1. You need to check your symbolism, not just go with something that "jes' kinda seems" to fit. One comment said, "
This simply HAS to be some The Onion level satire, it makes no sense otherwise."

2. The big one: One commenter characterizes it as, “To prevent the brainwashing of children, we must brainwash the children!” In other words, the product actually calls for curtailing (at least in the home) a certain "freedom" in order to counter an opposing agenda. Looking at the website linked to where the books are sold, it does indeed read like a Teabrainish--well-meaning, but Teabrainish--effort to combat SJW Wokeness and such. And truly, it is a case of parents pushing their own positions on their children will literally banning (in their home) other ideas. The reality is, of course, that the two detractor observations are correct. On the first point, conservative-types do indeed need to think through their works like this. They don't need to go with the first thing to come to mind, and they can run things through test audiences of people smarter than them (I can be contacted using information along right-hand side of this page, save for the Gab account) in order to get an academic perspective. I posted about a case where this would have prevented a lot of problems HERE.

On the second point, they point up a reality that modern, 21st-century American conservatives can't get through their libertarianism-polluted skulls: "Freedom" kills freedom. When the Globalist/Left, or some element thereof, pushes a Marcusian "Liberating Tolerance" censorship (SEARCH HERE), then it is necessary for Patriots to push their own censorship efforts. When one side in a tug-of-war actually pulls, while the other side simply tries to hold their ground, the pulling side will eventually win. One cannot successfully counter something (an affirmative agenda actively Cancelling opposition) with nothing (a plea for "freedom" and thus NO counter-battery censoring efforts). I have no idea of the quality of the "Tuttle Twins" books. No doubt there's some Teabrainery in them. That's simply a reality of the conservative/Right/Patriotic side today. Irregardless (yes, I know it ain't a word), the liberal/Left/Globalists have, in their attacks on the ad, given the good guys a couple of lessons from which they can learn. And yes, it's okay to be smart in how we act in the Marketplace of Ideas. Now, enjoy the ad. It doesn't hold a candle to the Lume Deodorant ads, especially the "foot odor" one (HEE-larious!), but it has its moments.


Oh, brother. This outfit has this on their Twitter account. The guys are literally and obviously reading from a book. Off-screen cue cards are fine. This just looks stupid.

Maybe they are indeed an Onion-type thing.