Thursday, November 11, 2021

Why President Trump's enemies can rightly be wiped out completely -- VIDEO: "Russian collusion theory now seems to be ‘the hoax of the century’."

Imagine ninety percent of journalists being interned for life (however short that may be), anti-Trump pundits being publicly executed, and Patriots (I didn't say libertarians) controlling ALL elements of government.

Federalist 46 State action can resolve ALL of this.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

VIDEO: "38 Minutes to the End of the World" -- The January 2018 Hawaii missile strike false alarm -- I point out the real blame.

Missing the "Exercise, exercise, exercise," and the caller saying, "This is not a drill." Two fails coming together, but the last one is the big one. An explicit and affirmative mistake with no excuse.

THE DAILY FUDD: E161: Interesting myth-bust: VIDEO: "Gun Law 101: The MYTH of the Open Bolt Semi-Auto Ban," with my response.

The guy's a bit "purist," despite being a lawyer, but his info does put a caveat on the old view that open-bolts are automatically considered "machine guns" by ATF'nE.

My response after video:

Closed-bolt guns are better, regardless. Given political realities, there is no reason to stretch our luck. And TDF 10 lays out an originalist argument to accept but contain the country's decision in 1934 to restrict full-auto.

Just please consider the political consequences of any action. (That means, don't be a self-indulgent liberatarian.)

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Monday, November 8, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E160: "VERY impartial video: 'What Actually Defines an Assault Rifle, and Who Invented Them?.'"

This family of YouTube channels presents some extremely well-done and generally balanced videos. They aren't perfect, of course. But then, I don't operate them.

Excerpt from the YouTube transcript of this video:

you might have noticed few of those
features in any way affect the actual
mechanical operation or deadliness of a
firearm and instead merely serve to make
it look tactical or scary compared to
more traditional firearms used for
hunting and other sporting purposes
unsurprisingly this purely cosmetic
definition has led to a variety of
nonsensical contradictions in the
application of gun control laws for
example the ruger mini 14 a scaled down
version of the m14 chambered for the
5.56 by 45 millimeter cartridge has
rarely been targeted by assault weapons
bands despite firing the same cartridge
and having roughly the same capabilities
as the ar-15 the only major difference
between the ar-15 and the mini 14 is
that the latter is typically sold with a
traditional wooden stock making it look
less intimidating none of this of course
has any bearing on who should be able to
own which firearms

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

This is what happens when conservatives can only think of victory as coming through ballots -- They need to change the vowels.


Ingraham is wrong. Some areas are electorally lost. Go for what we can get, expose the other side as traitors, then use federal power and/or Federalist 46 State action to wipe ALL of them out. Watter is even dumber. In the Pacific in WW2, we did "island hopping"--taking strategic ones and bypassing others. This is what devotion to the electoral method does to conservatives. Sometimes it's not about "ballots." It's about BULLETS. ADDENDUM: So some people don't misunderstand, "bullets" are the modern equivalent of "sword" as a metaphor for kinetic government action. Hence the reference to "federal power and/or Federalist 46 State action." I reiterate my position here:

A reiteration of the principle of this blog: Government, not private, action (beyond legitimate self-defense) in defense of our heritage.