Friday, October 22, 2021

Globalist/Left wants to destroy Americans' standard of living -- VIDEO: "Reporter Asks Jen Psaki about "High Class" Comment."

"High class."

Huckabee misses this a bit. Liberals are trying to drive down Americans' standard of living. ALL of us are too "high class" in their view.

Get with it, people, and recognize that's the agenda of the Globalist/Left.

Another point from Putin's recent comments on the West's rot from wokeness -- Nationalist, not communist.

Another point from this ( Putin Warns Wokeness Is Destroying The West: It Happened In Russia, It’s Evil, It Destroys Values | The Daily Wire ), which a lot of less-sophisticated TEA Party-types will either reject or embrace: Putin has said that the USSR was Russia at its height. Yet here he condemns the ideology of that political entity. It shows him to be a nationalist, not a communist. Russia was at the height of its status then, even if its ruling ideology was a problem.

It would be like if the USA suffered a split or loss of world standing in the process of installing a more, uh, "adequate" ruling ideology. One might rightly say that the country had been at its height under the current Constitution, even as its ideology then was problematic.

See my other comment here: 
ARTICLE and analysis of Russia as a defender of the West: "Putin Warns Wokeness Is Destroying The West: It Happened In Russia, It’s Evil, It Destroys Values."

ARTICLE and analysis of Russia as a defender of the West: "Putin Warns Wokeness Is Destroying The West: It Happened In Russia, It’s Evil, It Destroys Values."

And this is why the alleged Trump Russia-Russia-Russia collusion was--even had it been true--far different from the CONFIRMED collusion of Democrats with the USSR in 1983-84 and other times.
Pre-Trump, Putin was the strongest defender of Western heritage. Thus it made sense for President Trump to want to get along with him almost more than certain domestic American/Western elements, even as he really did stand against Russia's nationalism-based expansion (see Trump's Warsaw speech). With the Harris-Biden insurrection allowed into power by the American people, though, Putin again stands as such in at least a certain default manner.
More geopolitically, Russia has for centuries pivoted back and forth as to whether they properly ID'ed as "West" or "East." Putin might be trying for a middle place here, making a distinction from "the West" while appreciating a more common cultural tradition.

UPDATE: More here: 
Another point from Putin's recent comments on the West's rot from wokeness -- Nationalist, not communist.

NOTICE! Trump's new social media site slated for November -- Legitimate Patriot concerns addressed: Better than Parler, seems comparable to Gab.

LINK: TRUTH Social | Truth Social

The following is from the Terms of Service of the coming site. The points from the "PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES" section are the only ones I believe may be an issue in pressing the conservative/Patriot/Right. Justifications or mitigations are added by me in red. The "Third Party Websites and Content" section directly address the Twitter/Facebook-type bias censorship.

There are no references I found to "race," "racial," "hate," "guns," "weapons," or other PC concerns as restrictions or criteria for material. Whether slurs and such will be tolerated I do not know, but this policy does seem much better than Parler's, and is at least competitive with that of Gab. 

It does seem to restrict commercial use. But if I read that right, that will benefit in keeping the site focused on the war and reducing competition with sites like Parler and Gab.

Terms of Service | Truth Social


You may not access or use the Site for any purpose other than that for which we make the Site available. The Site may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by us. A Patriot puts the cause first.

As a user of the Site, you agree not to:

13. use any information obtained from the Site in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person. Darn, but these prohibitions do address legal offenses.

14. use the Site as part of any effort to compete with us or otherwise use the Site and/or the Content for any revenue-generating endeavor or commercial enterprise. Focus on the cause.

17. harass, annoy, intimidate, or threaten any of our employees or agents engaged in providing any portion of the Site to you. The good guys can protect themselves and their own. Turnabout and New Rules.

20. upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or to transmit) viruses, Trojan horses, or other material, including excessive use of capital letters and spamming (continuous posting of repetitive text), that interferes with any party’s uninterrupted use and enjoyment of the Site or modifies, impairs, disrupts, alters, or interferes with the use, features, functions, operation, or maintenance of the Site. I will have to restrain myself. Darn.

23. disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Site. Flipside of this war. They censor us, so we censor them. And as I've been preaching for years, supporters need to think BEFORE posting.


The Site may contain (or you may be sent via the Site) links to other websites ("Third-Party Websites") as well as articles, photographs, text, graphics, pictures, designs, music, sound, video, information, applications, software, and other content or items belonging to or originating from third parties ("Third-Party Content").

Such Third-Party Websites and Third-Party Content are not investigated, monitored, or checked for accuracy, appropriateness, or completeness by us, and we are not responsible for any Third-Party Websites accessed through the Site or any Third-Party Content posted on, available through, or installed from the Site, including the content, accuracy, offensiveness, opinions, reliability, privacy practices, or other policies of or contained in the Third-Party Websites or the Third-Party Content.

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You agree and acknowledge that we do not endorse the products or services offered on Third-Party Websites and you shall hold us harmless from any harm caused by your purchase of such products or services. Additionally, you shall hold us harmless from any losses sustained by you or harm caused to you relating to or resulting in any way from any Third-Party Content or any contact with Third-Party Websites.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

VIDEO: I won't presume agenda, but it's fodder for the good guys: "I ' M  F R O M  R H O D E S I A" scene from "Blood Diamond," with embellishment.

Though bookended by some bleeding-heartness, "Blood Diamond" was actually a rather good movie, with only a few snippits of bias.

Check out the comments.

A few of the comments:

VIDEO: "Alternate History: What If Rhodesia Won The Bush War? - YouTube."

One piece of race treason, but generally a good representation of what could have been.

ICYMI: MUSIC: "55 Days in Peking" in five languages.

LANGUAGES IN VIDEO: English, German, Japanese, Italian, Spanish.

The Eleven Nations:
The Eight-Nation Alliance: USA, UK (British Empire), Germany, Italy, Japan, Russian Empire, France, Austria-Hungary.
Also: The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain.

MUSIC VIDEO: "Rhodesians Never Die" -- A bit obsolete, but THE song for when liberating Western troops march into Salisbury in African Recolonization Wars.

Western nations still have to go in and save their former colonies when those shitholes go full-shithole. Might as well just restore the old order totally.

Here: "Operation: Rhodesian Freedom."

MUSIC: "Another Hitler" (1978) -- Sadly prophetic song from the Rhodesian Bush War for America and the West today.

"Another Hitler" (1978).

Uses a play to the Left, but a valid advisory. Lyrics below.

If the world had another Hitler
Then where'd they go this time?
Would they stand aside and let him roll on through?
Would they keep their smug expressions
Or hide trembling in the dark
While some little country stood and fought for truth?

And yet the world attacks my country
For keeping our people free
With all the brave young men that she can find
There's thirty thousand heroes, stand to fight
The Russian tide
And will no one come and fight here by their side?

Well it's only forty years or so since Britain gave the call
And without a question we fought by her side
Will the battle that we're fighting be the one that history marks
As the day when British honor finally died

And yet the world attacks my country
For keeping our people free
With all the brave young men that she can find
There's thirty thousand heroes, stand to fight The Russian tide
And will no one come and fight here by their side, by their side

And if another Joseph Stalin
Or his old big daddy Marx
Should raise their heads in America the free
Would those down home-folks stand idle
While the hammer and the sickle flew
Above the flame that burns on liberty

They forget about the evil
That lies rampant and raging in their homes
They forget about the ghettos and the busing
And the Indian people that they now disown
Is it any wonder that we gag
On the sanctimonious trash they try to feed us
Through the barrel of a gun?

While the nations scrap and scramble
For this piece of land we own
Do they ever stop to think of where it leads
'Cause this battle is not the last one
And we're only stepping stones
And finally democracy [America] will bleed

[Lyrics transcribed by The Ghost of Ian Smith in June of 2019]

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Toto's "Africa" with video from Rhodesia (and elsewhere) -- FREE RHODESIA AND SOUTH AFRICA! (BONUS: Gun Jesus on Rhodesian FAL.)

Action and training scenes: 

Other areas also (some bad guys): 

Stills (abbreviated): 


BONUS: Gun Jesus on Rhodesian FAL.

"Right arm of the Free World"--U.S. should have adopted this over the M14.