Friday, October 22, 2021

ARTICLE and analysis of Russia as a defender of the West: "Putin Warns Wokeness Is Destroying The West: It Happened In Russia, It’s Evil, It Destroys Values."

And this is why the alleged Trump Russia-Russia-Russia collusion was--even had it been true--far different from the CONFIRMED collusion of Democrats with the USSR in 1983-84 and other times.
Pre-Trump, Putin was the strongest defender of Western heritage. Thus it made sense for President Trump to want to get along with him almost more than certain domestic American/Western elements, even as he really did stand against Russia's nationalism-based expansion (see Trump's Warsaw speech). With the Harris-Biden insurrection allowed into power by the American people, though, Putin again stands as such in at least a certain default manner.
More geopolitically, Russia has for centuries pivoted back and forth as to whether they properly ID'ed as "West" or "East." Putin might be trying for a middle place here, making a distinction from "the West" while appreciating a more common cultural tradition.

UPDATE: More here: 
Another point from Putin's recent comments on the West's rot from wokeness -- Nationalist, not communist.