Saturday, June 19, 2021

CNN and Harris/Biden endorsing Trump Middle East strategy -- then overshooting to aid Iran.

Pentagon pulls missile defense, other systems from Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries - CNNPolitics

The removal of forces from Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries comes as part of a broader drawdown in the region. The US is set to complete the withdrawal of all forces from Afghanistan before the September 11 deadline. Less than 1,500 troops remain in the country. Under the Trump administration, the number of US troops in Iraq was reduced to 2,500.
The change reflects a broad shift within the Defense Department to focus its efforts on countering China and Russia as the threats of the future, moving away from the wars of the past in the Middle East.

I thought we were told that whole approach was irresponsible of President Trump. And "wars of the past"?

THE DAILY FUDD: E127: "Video treat: Playlist of "TOP 10 Combat Rifles" from Discovery or whatever -- with my corrections.."

TOP 10 Combat Rifles - YouTube

CORRECTIONS: Staying generally within the 20th century and until today...
1. Roll M14 in with M1 Garand as the "noted descendant."

2. Roll M1903 Springfield in with Mauser 98 as the "pinnacle of its development."

3. Fill resultant empty spaces with the SKS as the "most widely still-used World War 2 rifle" and the M1/M2 Carbine, due to massive numbers and continued widespread use.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E126: "Affirmative fudd: A discussion of the 'fighting rifle.'"

Most of the TDF series has been about preparing people for more gun-restrictive times coming, and thus going DOWN from what is now generally available. However, as I have occasionally posted "caveats" to the image of effective lower-end arms, here I will address the matter in a more affirmative manner--that is, building one's armory UP in class to an effective level. Specifically, I will address the private "fighting rifle."

The term, "fighting rifle" has been around in the 2A/RKBA community for some time. It's basically a generic way of getting around politically-pejorative terms like "assault" or more narrow terms like "battle" as adjectives for one's primary long gun. (See HERE for a discussion of long gun versus sidearm. As a caveat to it, remember that which of the two is "primary" is dependent on the situation.) Civilians don't "assault" things legitimately on their individual discretion, and yet they envision themselves doing run-and-gun like in those "A-Team" reruns they watched just a few too many times. "Battle" points to a function more formal than they have in mind, plus having a specific meaning in the arms realm not so fitting with their "A-Team" image. For 2A hobbyists driven by nothing but personal indulgence that could be satisfied by inert models, "fighting rifle" distinguishes a weapon they might actually use from the toys they play with to poke the ATF'nE or eek out the most tacti-cool-ness they can in restrictive jurisdictions.

In this vein, and in the theme of TDF, the question arises, "What SHOULD private citizens seek--what do they NEED--for the function of the Second Amendment as a 'fighting rifle,' and in consideration of technological and social--and frankly political--factors?" This means what works AND what is feasible to rely upon holding in this post-Election Steal America.

First, the core condition here for our private setting: FORGET FULL-AUTO. Again, forget full-auto. The technical definition of an "assault RIFLE," regardless of colloquial or legal usages of the "assault" term, includes selective-fire capability. For our purposes here, that aspect will be carved out as much as feasible. (See TDF 10 on this.) Obviously, though, SEMI-automatic, as opposed to manual-action, is the intended and preferable operating system--though political realities exist (see TDF 2 and TDF 73).

Next--and with the above in mind--there is a real tactical, though not usually legal, distinction between an "assault rifle" and a "battle rifle." The two articles below provide usable definitions and distinctions:

What are the differences between a Battle Rifle and an Assault Rifle? - Beginner Gunner

Firearms Semantics: "Battle Rifle" and "Assault Rifle" -The Firearm Blog

The upshot is that a "battle rifle" is a heavier arm with a heavier caliber more akin to what was common prior to the AK47 being actively and openly deployed in the mid-1950s--M1s, M14s, FALs, G3s, MAS 49 series, SAFN49s, and the like. For the Western world, that generally means 7.62mm NATO and some older calibers (.30-06, .303, etc.). Their focus on per-round power, even in maneuver warfare.

An "assault rifle" (non-selective-fire for our our purposes--per the above core condition) is a lighter arm with a lighter (intermediate) caliber akin to military rifles adopted since the 1960s--M16s (AR15 as civilian analog), AKs, G36s, F2000s, etc. For the Western world, that means almost exclusively 5.56mm NATO, usually with AR STANAG magazines. Their focus is on the run-and-gun maneuvers people saw in those "A-Team" reruns. EDITORIAL COMMENT: I.e., those things civilians are generally neither trained nor disciplined to do. More on that later.

It is the position of TDF and yours truly that the 2A civilian Militia would best be served, and be most effective, to have a more "battle(ish)" long arm than the current crop of ARs and other 5.56mm weapons (see TDF 19):

Caliber is a major issue here. On the one hand, there is the recognition of the overwhelming predominance of 5.56mm/.223 ammunition in both private and public stockpiles versus 7.62mm. Interoperability is always a high consideration. On the other hand, there are already inklings of specific restrictions on that caliber, at least in PC-private sales. The solution to how much we ought to play to the current supply situation versus how much we should anticipate future legal and tactical changes is a matter of judgment.

So, the answer to the question about a civilian's "fighting rifle": A military-grade/"sturdy" or "rugged" rifle in 5.56mm or 7.62mm NATO, much preferably semi-auto. Most of the "evil" features associated with "assault weapons" bans are simply of low importance tactically to untrained civilians. (We are talking tactically, not constitutionally.) Legitimate private defense with full-power rifles are almost always set-position, which goes to the TDF argument on 7.62mm. And yes, even bolt-actions (and other manual-actions, for that matter, including some pump and lever AR and AK variants) can lowly function as such (TDF 100, see also TDF 36). That said, the more "sporting"--PC-looking--the less effective. Such are fundamentally not "fighting rifles." (But then, see TDF 30 for a little art-imitating-life mitigation on that.) A very few alternate calibers like .30-06 and (in Canada) .303 can play a legacy role, but are far from ideal.

As for specific models, the entire TDF series has presented a number of "featureless" options, both semi-auto and manual. The key points are caliber and durability. I will point the reader to TDF 57 for some California ban-beaters, though the bullpup would be a very bad choice, as that configuration is already banned for import. Anticipate what will happen tomorrow.

FIGHTLITE SCR in 5.56mm (discussed in video at TDF 57). Not an endorsement, as I have never seriously handled this model weapon:

One specific characteristic to be mentioned involves detachable magazines for 5.56mm. The AR STANAG (NATO Standardization Agreement) magazine is as ubiquitous a magazine as there is in the North American civilian realm, even beyond the M1911 .45 magazine. Interoperability with them is more important than the specific model. It is unfortunate that Ruger with their Mini-14 and various manufacturers of 5.56mm AK variants commonly have different, often proprietary, magazines for their arms, and conversion to AR mags on some *cough Ruger* is near to impossible. Remember: AR mags if using a weapon with detachables.

With 7.62mm, there is far less commonality, which is likewise unfortunate.

And of course, this would not be "The Daily Fudd" without mentioning a few manual-action arms: Mossberg MVP "Patrol" and Ruger American "Range" in 5.56mm, which take AR magazines, and refurbished or even somewhat sporterized Enfields originally manufactured in 7.62mm (TDF 100). For a more modern approach--and one in actual semi-military general issue today, the Canadian Rangers' C19--a take-off on the Finnish Sako T3 "Compact Tactical Rifle" (no longer manufactured, I'm given to believe)--offers potential (TDF 12).

Ideally, both a semi-auto and a manual-action in both 5.56mm and 7.62mm should be kept, to anticipate both tactical and potential legal developments. But cost and other factors can make that difficult in some cases.

The upshot of this is to keep (per 2A) something you reasonably can, and which will serve the basic function of a CIVILIAN "fighting rifle" as shown above--and to keep it simple! Don't let your hobbies or resentment of ATFn'E be your guide (see TDF 66), and keep preference (there is no standard official "Militia Rifle"--yet; see TDF 19) in check by reality and Militia efficacy. Limit your "features" to those you are indeed qualified to employ effectively (see a discussion HERE about such upgrades, but note some are features clearly in the sights of the anti-gun forces in control in Washington), and be ready to part with them should legal exigencies arise. In many cases, the resources used on them could better be spent on practice, political activism, and another 10-round magazine or five. "Featureless" really is sufficient generally (TDF 53 and TDF 54), and at this point should be considered with regard to new purchases (such as might be available). Planning for rendering presently-possessed arms you aim to keep compliant is advisable, even if you might be willing to pay the $200 tax. (As for "burying" them, it's the same as surrendering them--they are effectively unusable in an urgent situation; see TDF 95.)

"Fighting" isn't about preference. It isn't about "rights" or "liberties," or even, "Da Constitution!" It's about effectively throwing kinetic force against an enemy. FIREPOWER is the prime commodity, and retaining FIREPOWER is more important than the features. It's worth the sacrifice.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

THE DAILY FUDD: E125: "CHOOSE! Ruger LCR in .357/.38 vs Ruger LCR in 9mm."

TASK: Pick exactly ONE of the following to take with you.

CONDITIONS: You are alone (plus your cat--or dog, if you're one of THOSE types) 
in your home area in North America, and society in your area is facing a breakdown of order to a notable, but unknown, degree. You (and the kid) must bug out NOW, and are able to take exactly ONE of the following weapons, fully loaded with 50 additional rounds of ammunition plus clips or loaders/strips as pertinent. (Your choice of .38 or .357 if that is your option--please mention said choice in your response). You will be free to scrounge for more as called for. (I didn't see nuttin'.) Discard any local possession and carry laws, but note that arms you may have stored elsewhere very likely will not be accessible to you. Keep in mind that while .38 Special is the more popular revolver round in the world, 9mm is the most popular pistol round, period--including in North America.

STANDARD: Survival and getting to a place where you can secure survival --and perhaps ultimately further action in support of our American heritage--is your goal.

TECHNICALS: The weapons function virtually identically, but the 9mm version requires the use of star clips, which makes reloading during a fight virtually impossible. (But see TDF 31 for a perspective on that.) See here for more specs: Ruger® LCR® Double-Action Revolvers.

You and the quadruped have to leave NOW!


Click here to leave your answer.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Facebook won't let me send you this link about the motivation behind Black-on-White rape.

 Literally, I tried to send it to someone in a Direct Private Message, and I got this: 

So here it is: Racist Black Rapist to White Victim: ‘That’s for 400 Years of Slavery You Bitch!’ ( (Originally posted by me 17 JUL 2016.)

This is why I say this: TDF 92 -- Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD: E92: "'Fuck "principles"--save FIREPOWER!' or 'Get real, folks--we deal or we die.'" (

Remember "The Knockout Game" from the Obama era? Black thugs were cruising looking for people--usually White--to try to knock out with a single suckerpunch. The Holder DOJ actually filed a "civil rights" case against one practitioner--who was probably the only WHITE person to do it. The practice only ended when White victims started killing their assailants ("in lawful self-defense").

Remember this, for the days are coming.

Monday, June 14, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E122: "'Sound mitigating device' -- Also mitigates arguments against suppressors."

Actual safety feature that directs sound and concussion away from the shooter and bystanders, while not acting to the extent in concealing the discharge that led to suppressors' regulation in 1934.

People who yell about suppressors being restricted lose their point with something like this. Probably why they never talk about them. Please, folks, don't do like folks did with "pistol braces" and make them into attempted workarounds of gun laws. We saw what happened there.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Why some people think cats aren't playful or have personality--and how you SHOULD be toward your felines.

Why some people think cats aren't playful or have personality.

Simple: People don't play or interplay with cats the way they do dogs. When I adopted my current feline, I was told he didn't play with toys at all. I tried him for more than 15 seconds on that, and he did!The foster who'd cared for him before was a blonde co-ed with other things in life. I have no life, so I had the time.  Similarly, his sister before him supposedly NEVER went outside. With some coaxing, she did, and sometimes WANTED to go outside.

So, actually PLAY with your cats. Actually affirmatively have something to do with them. As content as they may be left alone, a lot of that is resignation to their situation. Give them love. They have so much love to give you.

THE DAILY FUDD: E121: "KEEP IT SIMPLE: A response on YouTube laying out dealing with changing gun laws and ATFn'E regs."

FROM THE MESSAGE I WAS REPLYING TO: "I don't claim to have a good solution for that, but from living in California for years I also know that the path of compliance doesn't work well, they'll keep advancing their infringements till compliance is impossible."


My own approach is securing essential firepower over preserving preference. (All links below go to my own world-renounCed blog--I've been writing about this stuff for years.) 1. Stick to featureless rifle. An official "Militia Rifle": Necessarily it would be rather PC, but held en masse by the population, it would serve the Militia function of untrained civilians.

2. Simple carry piece. A legitimate CCW carry piece: Ideally 9mm automatics would fit in there, but revolvers would be better than nothing.

Plus, don't forget the iconic element of the .45: 3. Decent mainstream home-defense gun, even if manual-action. A "modern blunderbuss": The 1688/89 English Bill of Rights provision for private arms was held to basically guarantee a peasant a blunderbuss to ward off burglars. The PCC and the home-defense shotgun are the modern descendants of that. Of course, I want to max out firepower, but courts and politics might be more considerate of a shotgun. (also discussed things like the Henry Axe).

THIS would be a baseline that would satisfy civilian firepower functions: THIS, though, is a fun minimalist combo that would be iconic and functional: No, it's not the full intent of 2A. But history also points to RKBA not being all that some make it out to be (please read with open mind): Thank you for the opportunity to lay out some ideas. 2A is about firepower and function, not mere preference and indulgence. Keep it simple.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Only White Occidentals can't celebrate their conquests and bloodline--Example #15639043

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: "We maintained these lands and made them our homeland with our blood, our flag, and the sound of prayer from the mosques. This is why the re-opening of the Hagia Sophia as a mosque is important, as it is a legacy of conquest."

But see what happens if a Euro-American Patriot says, "We maintained these lands and made them our homeland with our blood, our flag, and the sound of prayer from the churches. This is why [insert maintenance of whatever U.S. historical feature--including statues] is important, as it is a legacy of conquest."

Turks Enraged as Reveals the Truth: Most of Them Are Greeks

MUSIC VIDEO AND COMMENTARY: "He Thinks He'll Keep Her," by Mary Chapin Carpenter -- TOTAL FEMINIST FAIL.

The performance is incredible, but the song is hilarious: A liberal takes a commercial from umpteen years before, uses its tagline that NOBODY took seriously to make a feminist/"Women's Lib" point, then has the WIFE leave her husband and break up their kids' family when he's done nothing but give her a good life--and then have her end up in "the typing pool at minimum wage." TOTAL FEMINIST FAIL, FOLKS! When you're creating a scenario to promote a social point, don't have things turn out bad. At least give her a lesbian lover or put her in some late-in-life professional career where she uses her dormant BA. I won't attest to her co-writer's performance, but Carpenter as the writer outsmarts herself. So the writing AND the character are feminist fails. BTW, the song says, "For fifteen years she had a job and not one raise in pay." She was a homemaker. Her "raise in pay" was the family and likely-improved lifestyle from her husband's promotions. (He seems to have traveled at this job, which means he probably didn't clerk down at the Piggly Wiggly.) That's how that works.

But again, an AWESOME performance, with backup by Emmylou Harris, Patty Loveless, Kathy Mattea, Suzy Bogguss, Pam Tillis, and Trisha Yearwood. Worthy of the "guilty pleasure" label.