Saturday, June 12, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E120: "(TDF 28 addended) The ultimate minimalist expression of the Second Amendment."

Below is a reproduction of TDF 28 -- "A fudd set that should appeal to both sides--plus having a 'political' symbolism" -- with one paragraph in red added.


In the 1970s, the clear focus of gun control advocates was banning handguns. Long guns received little attention beyond what had been done in the 1968 Gun Control Act and the movie, The Deadly Tower about the 1966 University of Texas shooting. Normal criminality--not concerns about "militias," terrorism or insurrection, or the rare mass shooting--seemed to be the genuine focus. Even as late at 1988 and the infamous "Sugarmann Memo," some circles put long gun controls as simply political steps to handgun control.

This is no longer the case. The "Black Rifle Craze" that started in the early 1980s ended up completely flipping that picture. Aside from magazine capacities, most typical-configuration handguns have been left virtually untouched by "assault weapon" legislation (save in some odd technical points in California and Massachusetts). And the 2008 Heller decision established handguns as particularly and specifically protected by the Second Amendment.

This edition of TDF will not focus on issues of objective validity of any of this, but rather point to an interesting play on it for the minimalist RKBA realm.

Today, we hear two conciliatory lines--however grudging or disingenuous they may be--from the anti-gun side toward the baseline, Blackstone-type RKBA. The first is a Heller-based acceptance of pistols. A Boston, Massachusetts police chief once semi-famously stated that he saw no reason for city dwellers to have rifles or shotguns. In doing so he tacitly--and probably reluctantly--accepted a "reason" for these people to have handguns. (Interestingly, a colonial-era fire ordinance in Boston prohibiting keeping "firearms" loaded in homes did not apply to pistols.) A modern handgun is generally superior to the weapon generally viewed as protected in the 1688/89 English Bill of Rights: "a blunderbuss to ward off burglars."

Uncle Festus' views notwithstanding:

The other line is a direct modern descendant of the blunderbuss--the shotgun. Joe Biden as Vice President famously spoke positively--albeit... oddly, shall we say--of shotguns as defensive tools. Other anti-AW figures have referenced shotguns as better alternatives to AR15s and such. And, for a foreign view, it has generally been easier in the Mother Country of the UK to get a shotgun license than for one for a rifle (and certainly a handgun):

"Yaaah." (From Hot Fuzz, truly the pinnacle of British moviemaking.)

So, putting these two lines together, we get a focus on what should be THE fudd weapon these gun controllers can get behind: The .45/.410 revolver. Arms like the Magnum Research BFR, Taurus Judge, and Smith and Wesson Governor hold the "best" (from the conciliatory gun control perspective) of both worlds--not a long gun, yet with some shotgun effect. And at least some such arms are legal in every State save California, which views them as short-barreled and rotary shotguns. 

Taurus Judge Public Defender CCW version (see below for link to picture).

A consideration of the tactical elements lends a certain call for liberals to endorse this. 
Such arms are certainly not the combat weapons hicap 9mm's are. Yet they serve the role of a sidearm.  See here for a critical, yet balanced, review of one: Taurus Judge .410 Revolver Review [Updated 2021] | TheGunZone . While expressly stating it is not the writers' preference, the review does offer this assessment:

If you load the .45 ammo, you’ll have a better chance of hitting targets further away up to mid-range distances. The .410 shot is better suited for very close-range encounters, where you can pull the trigger in the general direction of the threat, and it will likely cause damage.

Home and carjacker defense are probably what this gun is good for in the self-defense realm. This is because at mid to long-range, especially when using shot, the ammo loses a lot of its velocity. So in a sense, it offers some form of safety in that you will only have more chance of damaging a close-range target, with less chance of occurring collateral damage.

And, of course, it looks quite intimidating in its bulky form.

In a sense, such arms address the more sincere concerns of anti-gunners, while almost congruently retaining the baseline Blackstone function of RKBA. Not perfect in either of those, but looked at objectively, it's a functional fit.

(See also TDF 27 for a view of the revolver's sense of American heritage.)

Now, match this arm up with a play on the shotgun line: a regular--and extremely versatile--.410 shotgun or a .410 "firearm" like the Henry Axe, and one has a long gun/sidearm set (outside of California) very much PC, yet still effective at the Blackstone defense level while playing the anti-gunners own rhetoric against them--a case of tactical and political mitigation coming together: 

This is the ULTIMATE minimalist expression of the Second Amendment personal right. KEEPING is fulfilled in the modern blunderbuss, and the American innovation of more general BEARING is fulfilled in the revolver.

Now for the fun part: Such an arms set would fulfill actually three symbolic roles. Being a revolver (and a .45), it points to the heritage maintenance role of RKBA written about in many places in the series and elsewhere. And being a .45, it goes to honoring the 45th POTUS and last legitimate President: Donald J. Trump. On the shotgun end, it would harken back to the early Right to (at least) KEEP Arms of the blunderbuss, while retaining modern tactical meaningfulness.

The picture here is that, while obviously not fulfilling the vision of 2A, there is a play on opposition rhetoric which can serve the baseline RKBA functions AND make a greater statement.

We work to prevent things coming to this, but we have a fallback mitigation if it comes to it.

"Trans" is an agenda component -- Ban Trans.

This fellow is good, but too much toward the tolerant side.


TOTALLY OFF-TOPIC: Theme from "Laverne and Shirley"--base and extended versions, closing, fan video, "Laverne"-only, and a cover.



FAN VIDEO (EXTENDED) (home defense plan at 0:37 point):



Thursday, June 10, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E119: "Henry X .410 lever-action shotgun."

Nothing is more American-heritage in a long gun than a lever-action (TDF 27). Also, the .410 shotgun round fits especially well in the fudding down of American RKBA, even as a .45 stand-in (TDF 28, TDF 55). Hence, combining the two in one matter of perspective combines both of these factors.

Well, the Henry company has done that with a number of .410 versions of their lever-action rifles. The Henry X in .410 stands as being of particular note because of the enlarged lever loop for use with gloves. My fortune with lever-actions has been on the low side, as I said in my discussion of the rifles TDF 23. But, that could be user error, and I can't deny the heritage aspect and the tactical merit of this weapon.

1. Length.
2. 2.5-inch shells only.
3. $1000 MSRP.
4. Not feasible as an "oversize pistol."

THE DAILY FUDD: E118: (TDF 80 retitled) "'Compounds, enclaves, and households,' or, 'Mount Carmel may indeed be an option if the threat is private-sector insurrectionists.'"

When the post-Sandy Hook gun control drive started--a point marking the start of the modern, post/anti-Heller movement--there was a rather understandable panic among 2A-types. Heller was only four and a half years old, but the victory had already had a psychological impact on many, including yours truly. The role of firearms as part of American heritage had been confirmed. 

As happens in a panic, people can be driven to at least consider extreme or out-of-the-box action. In 1999 following Columbine, I honestly wondered if moving to Switzerland was a legitimate answer to the potential loss then of gun rights pre-Heller. (I didn't, and I wouldn't have.) So I can't get too upset with people who raise even more intense--or simply crazy--ideas.

Post-Sandy Hook, my response involved offering some fudd ideas, but even as now, they were rejected. 
However, some suggested a far more extreme idea: Forming compounds for people to gather to protect their guns. (Actually, the idea was to form A compound, as this was coming off the TEA Party movement and rather individualist self-focused, but the principle could be applied beyond.) I immediately saw a few problems with this:

1. These individualists could never live together:
- Religion (arguments and conversion efforts--the early English colonists came to North America for religious freedom, and promptly set up communities compelling people to follow their particular denomination; it was freedom of the Crown's Anglicanism that they sought).
- Morality (okay, I mean sexual predilections).
- Economy (it would by nature be a bit communitarian/socialist). 

2. Bringing in income (they would have to leave the compound to work).

3. It would never hold against the expected attack (cue video from Waco, Texas in 1993).

And others.

But the big thing that crossed my mind was the mission itself. When looked at from a certain angle, it had its seeming nonsensicalities:
- Gathering together to protect "freedom," when the operation would cause people to compromise their evangelism, submit to socialist operations, and largely stay confined.
- Such intense efforts for only self-focus and delusion. Such is not an act of patriotism, and I wondered how devoted they would be to upholding heritage.

But the biggest--and fuddiest--thing to come to mind was the whole enterprise: People would gather guns to protect their guns. Stepping away from all the issues, I had to wonder about the question, "If you really only have guns to protect your guns, then wouldn't getting rid of your guns end your need for having guns? And if you don't have guns, what's really your problem with banning guns?"

Of course, I have answered that question from a different angle many times in the TDF series, in articles about the connection between RKBA and American/White/Western heritage. Yet again, the devotion to heritage of these people was uncertain, and I honestly have to wonder how long it would work. With the other problems I pointed out in mind, I had this image of some night all the tensions--race, sex, religion, baseball team fandoms (this was pre-BLM), etc.--breaking loose. In the early morning hours, neighbors to the compound would hear tons of shooting, far more than their usual night-firing practice sessions. The next morning, smoke would be seen rising from the compound, and First Responders would find something looking akin to the Mormon colony in the first (and best--Part 3 was okay) "Starship Troopers" movie:

The truth is that full Waco-style compounds as a defense against tyranny are the worst of both worlds--they are too small to sustain themselves well, and too large to avoid notice by anti-heritage officials. They lack the flexibility of a relatively simple household, and the stability of a government-sanctioned installation. And, as noted above, they could easily be too diverse to exist for long with a "freedom"-focused character. Exclusivist practices could handle some of that--but then, there was Jonestown.

There is, though, one HUGE caveat to all that: The thinking of those people had them acting in resistance to GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES. Their image was of federal and/or perhaps State agents doing Waco-type raids (note the irony) or going house to house confiscating (per Katrina, perhaps). These people had no real cognizance of Federalist 46--indeed, this was before my time studying seriously the whole "resistance to tyranny" concept in 2A. But readers of TDF, this CGNS blog, and other writings by yours truly over during President Trump's leadership and since know the vision of Federalist 46, which I called upon to point the way for the States to enable our 45th POTUS to defeat the "Resistance" insurrection and the 2020 Election Steal. The Founders intended for resistance to federal tyranny to be conducted BY STATE SANCTION.

This raises the matter of compounds in that context--that is, preservation of heritage and protection against anti-heritage PRIVATE forces (that means BLM/Antifa thugs and the like) in at least tolerant jurisdictions--i.e., ones that at least won't themselves raid the place on the slightest pretense. 

I have discussed the armed preservation of our heritage a number of times: HERE and HERE for baseline during-the-Election-Steal thoughts; TDF 69 for possibility of formal legally-recognized enclaves; TDF 55 for ".45" and TDF 27 for revolvers in particular--cf TDF 49TDF 46 for firepower priorities; TDF 50 (search for "subculture"). I addressed individual/small group households and full official enclaves as possibilities. (I hope to do more on both in the future.) I tended to focus on the former, as the latter would require a change in the libertarian-infected attitude and character that affects too many Patriots today, and the possibility of "Time Trax"-esque Indian reservation-type set-asides for Whites/Patriots is far from certain. The experiences of Rhodesia and South Africa don't give much hope for something like that.

"Collective self-defense" is a doctrine used by the Left to justify Leftwing political violence, claiming it to be defense of a given demographic against "systemic racism" and all that drivel. For Whites or Christians or Patriots to do such, though, runs up against the Marcusian "Liberating Tolerance" principle--a core to the Leftist "racism" definition that only Whites can be "racist" because Whites are the ones in power--and is inhibited by the White/Western Guilt pathology of too many of our people.

But suppose for the sake of examination that people not of a "traditionally oppressed" demographic can throw off enough of that Guilt pathology, the libertarian/individualist self-indulgence, and ideological isolationism to form a compound-community. Such a community would form a difficult target for mobs and gangs. A convoy system for trips out of the compound, along with other steps of mutual protection--e.g., coordinating work schedules and having their own guards at their places of employment--would come together to defend against attacks there. THAT sort of set-up would have a viable chance. 

In a sense, it is a household grown big, only more defensible.

We saw some of this with the Korean shopkeepers in 1992 Los Angeles. While much attention is paid to their armed vigilance, we should note something that libertarian/individualist-types will hate to admit: Much of their success is attributable their COOPERATION. They protected their NEIGHBORHOOD, not just their own homes or their own businesses. They made their neighborhood a compound. They sacrificed their individual preference for a common cause.

Ferguson in 2014 showed some of this as well, but in truth it was mostly shop by shop rather than area defense. To be fair, the tactical situation was less geographical. So I am left to wonder if the good guys--yes, mostly White people--could have come together enough to mount a private-sector spatial common defense if faced with something as overreaching as the LA insurrection. Some no doubt would have done so, but given the level in libertarian infection on the conservative/Right, I suspect too many would have not. 

"Mount Carmel" was the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas famously burned by a federal government overeager in pushing their gun control agenda. The Davidians' stand failed, as it was guaranteed to do given their opponent. The truth is, though, their system actually had defensive value had it been directed against a foe like Antifa or BLM. They could have held off an attack far longer than the Koreans in 1992, and certainly long enough for tolerant local authorities to arrive.

But the Davidians had a commonality--their faith--and a compelling power--their leader--holding them together. It led them into a religious culthood, to be sure, but it gave them strength regardless. If Patriots can sacrifice to have the latter result while avoiding the former result (and frankly, in our rather secular age that really shouldn't be that hard), a compound situation to preserve our heritage can work if the political situation is tolerant enough, and the threat level is high enough to warrant it. If society is too hostile, a more subdued approach (see TDF 46 for specifics) may likely be more advisable. If society is "too" hospitable--that is, compounds are hardly necessary--it frankly will be difficult for this generation to set aside differences and preferences enough to make a compound work.

All in all, it's a balancing act and algorithm of several factors as to whether a compound is actually advisable. Ideally, a coordinating entity would exist to ground and guide such efforts as compounds, but the Trump Organization is not willing to do that.

Not yet, that is.

But the ultimate truth remains: If any collective action to work, Patriots must throw off both libertarianism/individualism and White Guilt. Without doing that, every compound, enclave, and frankly household will fall.


Now, for those persistent in their aim for a compound, check out this video on urban warfare. It discusses making buildings into strong points. Some of the aspects don't apply, as neither side will have the weaponry discussed. (And please, Patriots and libertarians, don't cry over lack of full auto!). Take this for what it's worth.

Asheville, NC institutes a sort of "reparations harvesting" program -- It won't enforce laws against theft and such.

"The unanimously passed resolution does not mandate direct payments. Instead, it will make investments in areas where Black residents face disparities."  
Looting is now justified as "reparations."

Racial insurrection.

GOOD! In a California school: "We actually had a [transgender] girl get dress coded... because boys shouldn't wear dresses."

"We actually had a [transgender] girl get dress coded at our school because boys shouldn't wear dresses."


But of course, some people didn't like that. We need crimination of trans and some sort of civil enforcement of such basic cultural norms. Otherwise, "freedom" will indeed destroy our freedom.

High School Student Sparks Debate After Protesting School's 'Sexist' Dress Code (

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E117: "I WARNED PEOPLE: ATF'nE pistol brace ruling (07 JUNE 2021) -- very restrictive."

Yes, I told you. See  Cats, Guns, and National Security: A word about the pistol braces matter. (

1. This is a result of the Election Steal. The rule (later rescinded) under the Trump Administration was a genuine attempt to outline the difference between a brace and a stock.

2. Pistols conceptually don't generally have "wrist-rocket"-type braces, and ESPECIALLY not ones clearly intended to be used from the shoulder. (One company, SB Tactical, actually used the word "stock" in their promotional material--see TDF 63.)

3. The 2A community got so arrogant in showing off their shoulder use of these things that they got slapped. See HERE and TDF 63 -- the need to engage and not be greedy.

ARTICLE: ATF Released New Proposed Pistol Brace Rules (

1. Honestly, a true "wrist rocket"-type brace with no real chance of being braced against the shoulder--that is, an item with the professed intent of the "pistol brace"--might still pass muster.

2. The article seems to say the generic "firearm" category is being restricted, and says the Mossberg Shockwave and TAC-14 will be SBSs (Short-Barrel Shotguns). No specific reference to the Henry Axe, but I warned people: TDF 43/44, and TDF 71 for brief reference -- SBS laws arguably constitutional and certain to be upheld under Heller.

3. Some possible mitigations are suggested in the ATF'nE issuance, such as grandfathering and forgiveness of tax for SBR registration. ENGAGE, and these can be done. TDF 63.

CGNS/TDF CONSTITUTIONALITY EVALUATION: SBRs should probably be protected (per factual elements of the 1942 Cases decision stemming from Miller), but under Heller will not be. The tactical role of SBRs can be fulfilled by non-NFA pistol-caliber carbines, however. See TDF 17 and TDF 71.

See also TDF 47.


TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

THE DAILY FUDD: E116: "A caveat to fuddism: One picture showing why lever-actions never caught on big with militaries."

(No, not this first picture.)

"Mae Fires the WWI Winchester 1894." Click below for full video.

Full video here: Mae Fires the WWI Winchester 1894 - YouTube

THE PICTURE BELOW SAYS IT ALL: Being open on the bottom like that, with some delicate linkages, both made firing prone difficult and subjected the action to dirt and damage. Troops who over the several decades between their advent and WW2 who carried them liked the higher rate of fire over bolt-actions. Yet the larger picture remained.

 TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

THE DAILY FUDD: E114: "Baseline civil fudd with an iconic -- RURAL."

The graphic below applies TDF 27  and TDF 28, plus TDF 55 and TDF 73 and some others, to create a basic all-manual-action fudd set in the rural setting. It won't do for a stand-up war, but in a semi-dystopic future "America" (hopefully post-Old Glory--see America has been hit down by its own "freedom," and held down by its own Constitution), it might be all that frankly a White person in a rural setting can expect to (legally) have.

In a rural setting, one is fairly alone and relatively devoid of urgent assistance.

Survival is far more dependent on one's own preparation and situation. 

Holding up in a set location in a chaos situation is feasible, but warrants notable firepower above home-defense shotgun. 


This will defend against threads over and above those likely for a city dweller--i.e., defense of building and property.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Monday, June 7, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E113: "Baseline civil fudd with an iconic -- URBAN."

The graphic below applies TDF 27  and TDF 28, plus TDF 55 and TDF 73 and some others, to create a basic all-manual-action fudd set for the urban setting. It won't do for a stand-up war, but in a semi-dystopic future "America" (hopefully post-Old Glory--see America has been hit down by its own "freedom," and held down by its own Constitution), it might be all that frankly a White person in an urban setting can expect to (legally) have.

In an urban setting, one is surrounded by people of undetermined affiliation or intent.

Survival is far more dependent on the benign intent of others and supportive local authorities. 

Holding up in a set location in a chaos situation only works when one's presence is unknown. 


This will defend against what a sole individual can defend against and facilitate inconspicuous escape.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E112: "SPECIAL NON-FUDD ALERT: 'Good for both home and battle' -- Fed judge overturns California AW ban with 30-day stay."

JUDGE: "Good for both home and battle."

Likely to be reversed by 9th Circus. If it gets to SCOTUS to before it's packed, it will add to precedent weight.

Don't sell your featureless semis and bolts yet.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.