Saturday, March 13, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E38: "Why libertarianism is so dangerous to gun rights -- beyond them being conspiracy nuts and potheads."

Why libertarianism is so dangerous to gun rights -- beyond them being conspiracy nuts and potheads:

1. They are conspiracy theorists, with some genuinely wanting social chaos (which would, of course, lead to demands for an authoritarian regime, thereby defeating their own libertarianism).

2. They are largely potheads.

3. Their proposed policies of unencumbered gun possession by criminals, nuts, and druggies only turns away the vast swath of people moderate or neutral on 2A/RKBA, 

4. Their refusal to recognize the truth of TDF 10 and the scope of what items fall under 2A protection only turns the vast swath of people moderate or neutral on 2A/RKBA. 
Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD: E10: "An Originalist fudd-ish argument regarding full-auto and 2A."

5. Their focus on self-indulgence drives them to do and act in ways exacerbating Points 3 and 4.

6. Their paranoia and individualism prevents them from accepting the actual intent and function of the 2A civilian Militia, and the truth of Federalist 46 regarding "resistance to tyranny."

7. Their denial of reality in favor of self-indulgence inhibits working constructively against anti-gun legislative efforts. In the name of "pure" gun rights, they contribute to the degradation of those rights. Example: Background checks -- Rather than work for the TDF position of voluntary checks, or simply ensuring the guns are not referenced in the private checks, they cry like babies and repeat errant mantras. See Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD: E37: "2A ALERT! HR8 'Universal Background Checks' -- Result of the Steal; Urge Federalist 46 State action; Suggest VOLUNTARY checks."

8. Their general mission of tearing down the institutions that help regulate social change only aid the liberal/Left against not only gun rights, but all of Western heritage.  For the Left, Libertarians are Like a 'Cheap Date' | The Stream

9. Their voting practices make them spoilers to the benefit of the side most opposed to them. 

10. They are conspiracy theorists and potheads.

Bottom line, libertarians would rather lose ALL their freedoms--which means, you lose all YOUR freedoms--in the name of a conspiracy theory-driven, drug-fueled, self-indulgent agenda that has zero chance of ever being established. And in the event it actually did get put into place, it would lead to the collapse of the very community that makes rights and freedoms possible. It is the most self-defeating political ideology ever imagined.

If I was a libertarian, I would have to conclude that libertarians were part of the grand conspiracy that libertarians believe is trying to take their liberties.

Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Friday, March 12, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E37: "2A ALERT! HR8 'Universal Background Checks' -- Result of the Steal; Urge Federalist 46 State action; Suggest VOLUNTARY checks."

U.S. House Bill HR8 regards establishing "universal background checks" on private firearms transfers. The issue with these--especially on how this bill would implement them--is the paperwork retention that could develop into de facto gun registration freely accessible to the government, and thus enable eventual confiscation. The TDF position is that the same legitimate intent of UBCs can be accomplished by enabling private sellers to VOLUNTARILY do background checks without the retention of paperwork. A potential private seller not certain of a potential buyer's background could get a check done before any transaction. Then the potential seller--already known to be a civic-minded individual, or else he'd never have done the check in the first place (those not so minded wouldn't do the check regardless of the law)--would make his deal-or-no-deal decision with the benefit of this knowledge. No paperwork beyond the fact that a "Private Check" had occurred would be retained by anyone save for the potential seller, and liability protection would prevent any failure to do such a check from becoming a cause of action in a civil suit.
The video below discusses in a down-to-Earth manner this bill, which yesterday passed the House of Representative. Please watch before reading my comment on it, which is reproduced below. House Passes Expanding Background Checks (What it Really Means) - TheFirearmGuy - YouTube

Folks, if you don't like this, why didn't you stop the Election Steal? You could have followed the vision of James Madison in Federalist 46 and pressed your STATE governments to stand against it. I myself did.
LOL Even your blue-checkmark heroes refused to say anything. They were scared. I, though, did say it to them. Some of them blocked me. Most ignored me. Only one I know of put anything about it forward. Between ignorance of the writings of the Founders and an misunderstanding of how to "resist tyranny" (it's the STATES, folks--not private action)--and fear--nothing happened. Now WE--yes, even those of us who did make the stand--facing the consequences. ----------------- BTW, the direct response to this: Look at your collection, pick a fave or two, and focus on that. The truth is, 2A is not about a hobby, so you don't need to be trading and such like they were baseball cards. If you're not careful, your self-indulgence will be your downfall. Oh, and contact your STATE leaders and urge them to do what they can--mention Federalist 46--to stand against this effort. "Sanctuary States" are a thing now, and sometimes even more can be done. Actually, a LOT more, but don't be stupid. Federalist 46 lays it out:

Also, offer the following as a counterproposal: The same legitimate intent of UBCs can be accomplished by enabling private sellers to VOLUNTARILY do background checks without the retention of paperwork. A potential private seller not certain of a potential buyer's background could get a check done before any transaction. Then the potential seller--already known to be a civil-minded individual, or else he'd never have done the check in the first place--would make his deal-or-no-deal decision with the benefit of this knowledge. No paperwork beyond the fact that a "Private Check" had occurred would be retained by anyone save for the potential seller, and liability protection would prevent any failure to do such a check from becoming a cause of action in a civil suit.


Thursday, March 11, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E36: "A CAVEAT TO FUDDITY: '"Essential" and "baseline" do not necessarily mean "proper" or "sufficient"'; or, "Halloween 2018's real gun message--the wrong AND the useful."'

In TDF 25, I discuss the difficulty of addressing worst-case or seemingly inevitable bad outcomes without sounding like one is supporting or at least resigned to them. Nonetheless, some people of a more... simple mind will overplay my talk. And to be fair, a proper and balanced expression does usually cut both ways (especially with my style, frankly).

Thus, I fulfill here the need for a caveat in this series: By discussing 'fudd' approaches to RKBA, I in no way wish to assert that the full intent of 2A--or even, necessarily, the baseline Blackstone defense function of RKBA--can readily be or should have to be accomplished by these baseline approaches. In TDF 10, I set out an originalist argument that STRENGTHENS both substantively and politico-judicially the defense of "assault weapons" as 2A-protected. Semi-auto long guns with pistol grips and hicap magazines are indeed the proper present-day manifestations of the American RKBA.

With this in mind, I will discuss the 2018 "Halloween" movie with Jamie Lee Curtis. It has been exalted by some pro-gunners (and anti-gunners) as heavily pro-gun, with Curtis' character having accumulated a sizeable firearms armory to fend off perennial attacker Michael Myers. But most articles miss one big thing: Her civilian armory includes ZERO semi-autos (Halloween (2018) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games ( Not even semi-auto handguns, which even many anti-gunners don't target apart from their manual-action cousins. It's all bolts, levers, pumps, and revolvers. The message, you ask? Not that people unfortunately may/will have to adapt to a tightening RKBA, and then how to do so (the message of TDF). Rather, it is that those semi-autos as a class are outside the realm of necessary and proper civilian armament.

File:Halloween 314.jpg - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games (

Below are excerpts from a NRA review (NRA-ILA | Halloween II ):

Due to length--and my already-pushing "fair use" standards just with the image--I will urge readers to go to the article. It goes more into the RKBA messages and issues in the movie. TDF generally concurs with it. 

But, in typical conservative fashion of one-level, one-dimensional analysis, many pro-gun outlets missed the anti-AW/semi-auto undercurrent, and praised the movie and/or called Curtis out only on the obvious hypocrisy. To be fair, she has made professions--genuine or not--of support of at least some--here it is--BASELINE RKBA. But few mentioned the fudd-beyond-fudd composition of the civilian arms in the movie when no legal mandates or threats thereof for such exist (the setting is rural Illinois, and it came out during the Trump Administration). They saw the surface, but largely stopped there.

So perhaps it's ironic to some that it was yours truly, on a now-banned Twitter account, who prior to the above NRA article challenged political writer and blonde hottie Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) on a glowing review of the movie, one actually retweeted by the NRA. She not only missed the anti-semi message of the movie, but actually seemed to lack personal understanding of what a "lever-action rifle" or a "pump-action shotgun" are. Due to my efforts, the NRA actually UN-retweeted her and tweeted out a more critical review. In later years, she and I tangled a couple of times on that biased insurrectionist platform when I'd remind her of her fail and un-retweeting.

But at least she's hot:

 Erielle Davidson

All that said, looking at stills and scenes from the movie, I suppose I could point to the movie as an illustration of how a fudded-down "baseline" armory can indeed offer Blackstone-type protection. After all, few pro-gunners seem to have picked up on the pattern--though yours truly did halfway through his reading the Davidson article. One can also see in it, as I wondered at the time, a certain resignation of Hollyweird liberals to at least that baseline RKBA in America, perhaps setting the stage for securing said baseline. Again, the movie's narrative did receive acolades from pro-gunners, and apparently the armory was effective. In that regard the movie I suppose could be used to illustrate a point.

I have to be careful not to push that too much, though, due to the cup-half-full/cup-half-empty factor. Sometimes the same situation can be discussed by two opposing figures, but with opposite flavors left. With regard to 2A-aspiration RKBA, I would do the half-full approach and say, "See, folks, civilian guns are good, and they'd be even better if not (having to be) so fuddish," while Curtis and the studio in the movie push it as, "See, folks, civilian guns don't have to be 'evil' like those 'assault weapons,' so let's limit it to this." That is a subtlety in dealing with issues that conservative-types often miss. 

Such is the edge that exists when promoting the CORRECT answer to an issue. As I said at the beginning, a
 proper and balanced expression does usually cut both ways. So take this as the bottom line: Whatever the true feelings of the actress, and despite the shallow analysis of many pro-gunners who'd take umbrage at the TDF series, Halloween 2018 actually pushes an anti-RKBA agenda. Yet it contrarily sorta-offers an illustration useful in one intent of the TDF series stated in TDF 25:

To aid gunners both practically and psychologically in the face what is quite possible and likely with the current Harris/Biden insurrection.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

THE DAILY FUDD: E:35: "Solving current Ammo Craze."

This guy is interesting, but he's a victim of his own human nature on this. See my comment below.

Should We Just Stop Buying Ammo? - TheFirearmGuy - YouTube


Around the 3:30 point you proved their point that to stop buying would let the backorders get filled, shelves restocked, and the whole market to get back to sanity. That really is the answer. Then you pointed out the human nature factor--that people actually WOULDN'T stop, including you. The truth is, capitalism/free enterprise and freedom of purchase are causing the problem among people trying to defend those aforementioned traits of our culture. In an environment of freedom, this will never end. The TP Craze was simply a sport. When it got old or too expensive or too much trouble to store, it ended. Ammo Craze is not simply a sport, so those factors won't end it. Freedom killing freedom, folks. People need to put the cause ahead of self-indulgence.


There is a more complete answer to the Ammo Craze in the context of preserving Western heritage, but it involves matters far beyond the scope of TDF.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E33-34 (day missed): "ICYMI: E10: 'An Originalist fudd-ish argument regarding full-auto and 2A.'"

Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD: E10: "An Originalist fudd-ish argument regarding full-auto and 2A."

"I should be able to have full-auto!" says a local "card-carrying member of the Libertarian Party" radio host. He argues against the current legal restrictions on "machine guns"--a position popular with some in the Second Amendment (2A) community, but politically a non-starter with most of the general population. To the former, it's simply a matter of "rights." To dissenters from this position, it's also a matter of reality and impact (we'll see that word come up often here).

In this issue of THE DAILY FUDD, I will explain the matter.


TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.

Sunday, March 7, 2021



THE DAILY FUDD: E32: "An old ammo control proposal to make a gunner think -- a 'Blackstone Guns Matter' point."

In Edition 20, THE DAILY FUDD raised for discussion a 28th Amendment proposal that would codify a more limited RKBA than might be in an objective reading of 2A, but make it more explicit and ironclad. The idea was to maximize the nexus between the current full range of 2A protection with the frankly lower level which can hold popular political support. It makes no sense to lose protection for even the most baseline Blackstone-type defense arms in the name of a supposedly purist stand for everything above and beyond reality. When push comes to shove, it may well be a time for seeking focused protection--a "Blackstone Guns Matter" effort, so to speak.

Below is a discussion of a post-Heller ammunition control bill from many years back. (This description was 
written during the failure of the American people post-election to stop the 2020 Election Steal via Federalist 46 State action.) While the Democrat who proposed it no doubt had no genuine interest in even the most baseline RKBA it would facilitate, it does by its extreme nature force a rational RKBA proponent to consider what indeed is of baseline importance. Please read with that frame of mind. Given the acceptance of the 2020 Election Steal, we must work out the best deal possible, not impossible preferences.

No true 2A supporter will LIKE this idea. That isn't the point. The point is the objective and the reality.