Sunday, March 7, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E32: "An old ammo control proposal to make a gunner think -- a 'Blackstone Guns Matter' point."

In Edition 20, THE DAILY FUDD raised for discussion a 28th Amendment proposal that would codify a more limited RKBA than might be in an objective reading of 2A, but make it more explicit and ironclad. The idea was to maximize the nexus between the current full range of 2A protection with the frankly lower level which can hold popular political support. It makes no sense to lose protection for even the most baseline Blackstone-type defense arms in the name of a supposedly purist stand for everything above and beyond reality. When push comes to shove, it may well be a time for seeking focused protection--a "Blackstone Guns Matter" effort, so to speak.

Below is a discussion of a post-Heller ammunition control bill from many years back. (This description was 
written during the failure of the American people post-election to stop the 2020 Election Steal via Federalist 46 State action.) While the Democrat who proposed it no doubt had no genuine interest in even the most baseline RKBA it would facilitate, it does by its extreme nature force a rational RKBA proponent to consider what indeed is of baseline importance. Please read with that frame of mind. Given the acceptance of the 2020 Election Steal, we must work out the best deal possible, not impossible preferences.

No true 2A supporter will LIKE this idea. That isn't the point. The point is the objective and the reality.