Tuesday, October 26, 2021

My alternative video idea for Toto's "Africa," with two (three) possible endings -- Featuring original video and a specialized one.


Follows a two-vehicle detachment--probably Land Rovers with mounted FN MAGs--of Western (UN or not) troops ("peacekeepers" or not) carrying FALs (of course), four per vehicle. Left-wheel drive as concession to American market.


Generic FAL:

The detachment is going to the civilian airport to meet a "12:30 flight" carrying a mysterious female, dressed in white outfit, filmed on board from low-left side angle to only show her skirt and leg in whitish hose.

At one point early, the detachment stops and the commander--the lead singer/objective character--steps out of the shotgun position to talk an old Black gentleman, who mouths, "Hurry boy, it's waiting there for you." And they get back on the road, with crew lip-syncing. Another stop has them slow and spotlight a "wild dog," then continue. Then a sop to the bleeding-hearts with the lead thinking about "what he has become."

Then high-speed driving interspersed with performance scenes.

Then detachment arrives at airport. Lead and one other dismount (with rifles slung across their backs) to run into the terminal--"Hurry boy, she's waiting there for you." The mysterious woman is shown from same angle walking a bit saunter-style on heels through the airport, obviously to meet the lead.

1. PRIME: The lead and the lady--very blonde, almost platinum--meet and embrace, some filler, and then the detachment takes the lady--apparently a diplomat-type--back to wherever in the Land Rovers, with lady in back having changed into field gear.

2. ALTERNATE (concession to theme of this blog): The lead and cohort meet the lady, who is carrying a pet carrier containing the lead's beloved long-haired female feline. He takes her out and hugs her. Then continues as in prime version, only with another trooper in shotgun and the lead in back with cat in carrier. (ALTERNATE OF ALTERNATE: The lady is in the other Land Rover.)

Toto - Africa : Rhodesian Bush War Edition":