Friday, August 13, 2021

Why Star Trek doesn't discuss the news media much (SPOILER: Liberalism).

Spawned by a discussion on YouTube.

Scene from TNG, Season 4, Episode 2: "Family."

After defeating the Borg, the crew of the Enterprise experiences shore leave in various ways. Captain Picard's return to his family's vineyard in France has some extraordinary repercussions. -- IMDB

Scene below shows Picard's brother Robert ("Ro-BARE") seeming less than sensitive to the fact his brother was severely injured as a POW and hero who had fought to save the planet from Borg conquest.


Been years since I'd seen that. Robert's not just a jerk, but almost a traitor. He seems to ignore the whole, "We were fighting to keep lazy civilians like you from being assimilated, so you can keep your silly vineyard" aspect of the whole thing.

By his own admittance, he didn't know the details of what went on and I kinda doubt Federation News Services would just go out of their way to announce, "the heart of the Federation was minutes away from being conquered by cyborgs from outside our known space". :B


...That refers more to the actual physical assault on Picard, though the line still seems a bit implausible and just a means of forwarding the storyline. As for news media, that would mean the Federation government controls information flow at North Korean levels. Even the level of cooperation between the current liberal/Left American administration and the like-minded MSM wouldn't be enough to cover up a battle that occurred within toy-telescope range of Earth. Star Trek doesn't like to talk about the media much, given the liberal politics. Imagine SNN (Subspace News Network) reporting on the "mostly peaceful" travel of the Borg cube to Earth, while OEN (One Earth Network) breaks the story on the coverup about the side effects of the Borg's vaccine..., ur, implants. OEN would, of course, have to be Cancelled by all the interstellar social media platforms. And if Picard spoke out about it, he'd suffer the same fate a commander in another "space force" recently did from speaking out on another matter that didn't match the liberal line. Better, the Star Trek people probably think, to leave "the media" with a cameo shot in "Star Trek: Generations."