Wednesday, August 11, 2021

TEXT LINK: "The Unparalleled Invasion," by Jack London -- alternative future history of confronting China threat from 1910.

Focuses on 1975-76 and the world countering the threat of China.

Interesting to see this (written in 1910) in context of little or no wireless communication, airship-focused airpower, and no nukes. Not workable against China today... Well, probably not.

Try using a text reader and treat it as a short audiobook. Even a computer voice kinda brings it alive.

Picture and full synopsis here.

Audio (at 1:09:49 point):

FULL TEXT: The Unparalleled Invasion

by Jack London


It was in the year 1976 that the trouble between the world and China reached its culmination. It was because of this that the celebration of the Second Centennial of American Liberty was deferred. Many other plans of the nations of the earth were twisted and tangled and postponed for the same reason. The world awoke rather abruptly to its danger; but for over seventy years, unperceived, affairs had been shaping toward this very end.

The year 1904 logically marks the beginning of the development that, seventy years later, was to bring consternation to the whole world. The Japanese-Russian War took place in 1904, and the historians of the time gravely noted it down that that event marked the entrance of Japan into the comity of nations. What it really did mark was the awakening of China. This awakening, long expected, had finally been given up. The Western nations had tried to arouse China, and they had failed. Out of their native optimism and race-egotism they had therefore concluded that the task was impossible, that China would never awaken....


Teaser-spoiler excerpt:
Following upon the alarm raised by Burchaldter's figures, in 1970 France made a long-threatened stand. French Indo-China had been overrun, filled up, by Chinese immigrants. France called a halt. The Chinese wave flowed on. France assembled a force of a hundred thousand on the boundary between her unfortunate colony and China, and China sent down an army of militia-soldiers a million strong. Behind came the wives and sons and daughters and relatives, with their personal household luggage, in a second army. The French force was brushed aside like a fly. The Chinese militia-soldiers, along with their families, over five millions all told, coolly took possession of French Indo-China and settled down to stay for a few thousand years.