Friday, July 9, 2021

VIDEO: Clever fliparound on "racism" narrative, it appears, but not really -- You have to use knowledge to spot it.

Video plays a Black female as the "racist" with an over-the-top stereotyping of a new Hispanic neighbor in a rich neighborhood. It sounds like a turn away from the usual anti-White agenda of these productions, and one that might get Black activists to complain about the portrayal. But there's something about the Black woman to be noted:

Her name is "CANDACE." As in, of course, Candace Owens, the famed Black conservative known for opposing the Black racial insurrection. A "Black White supremacist," she's been labeled. Add in that the Black woman in the video bears a passing resemblance to her (though with better knockers) and, like Owens, wears a straight-haired wig.

It's a cute effort, and MAYBE the producer did intend to turn away from the anti-White element... LOL And names the character, "Candace"? Bravo Sierra, folks. Add in that the Hispanics are portrayed stereotypically and seem to go out of their way to mislead her about their lives. A twist all the way around.