Sunday, June 27, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E130: "SPECIAL ALERT: Possible RKBA turncoats at Daily Wire ("Federalist" review added)."

Possible turncoats at Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro's outfit). Unless the "angel" is a private citizen lawfully carrying (disregard age and school zone)--which she apparently is not ("uses her wits and survival skills to fight back" in the description)--this is enemy propaganda, especially with at least two references in the trailer to the bad guys having lots of guns. The full-auto factor might be spun, but probably not enough.

(Not to mention it could probably serve as a how-to video for school shooters.)



I'm probably right. Key points (the rest is mostly reviewer's jibberish): That’s helpful to the film, for which Rankin’s admirable goal was, hypothetically, that “two friends on opposite sides of the political spectrum go see it together and then go have a beer and be able to speak and feel like the movie had honored both sides.”

Hollywood doesn’t do both sides anymore, which is why a film that does landed in the hands of a conservative media company. Playing to “both sides” may, however, be why the film lacks a compelling Eastwoodian edge. “Run Hide Fight” is also uneven, as May’s excellent performance mingles with some cheesy dialogue, hard-to-believe plot points, and cartoonish villains.

(It's "balanced.")


For years, conservatives have tried and failed to beat Hollywood at its own game, attempting to package right-of-center arguments in movies of their own.

It really never works. But The Daily Wire is well-positioned to finally change that and grow the right’s cultural influence through cinema.

(FAIL: Balance does not counter unbalanced.)

“Our mission is simple,” [film company executive]Boreing stated. “We will make great entertainment that all Americans can enjoy, regardless of their political views." 

(Commercialism overriding the cause. Also, perfect name for the comment.)
The Daily Wire's own review essentially says: "We wanted to hide any good RKBA message, so we just run down police to challenge the anti-gunners--even though they actually support an anti-police message."
19 NOV 2021: My comment on a Ben Shapiro Facebook post for this:
Female and doesn't use a gun, up against males who do. Plus, some anti-police imagery of bubbling cops.
Liberals probably love this. Daily Wire is oblivious to what they're showing here. In the name of the "individualist"/self-reliance aspect of their ideology, they blind themselves to what the vast swath of the American people will see.