Thursday, June 24, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E128: "On Biden's statement about cannon: Point out the BS, but avoid the kneejerk overreach."

On 23 June 2021, illegitimate President Joe Biden made statements about gun control that included an assertion that cannon could not be acquired at the time of the Second Amendment's passage. TDF readers know that artillery--call them "cannon" (Biden), "field pieces" (the Articles of Confederation), or whatever--factor into my Originalist work on the relationship between machine guns (full-auto) and 2A: TDF 10. 

As stated there, there was no legislation, at least at the federal level, barring the acquisition of artillery. The only senses in which the insurrectionist Oval Office occupant's statement fits the facts are that localities might have acted to restrict such things, and quite frankly that only communities and the richie-rich were likely to ever have the means to acquire them. From TDF 10:

But cannon remained the province of government and the leading aristocracy--big land owners, ship owners, small communities fighting off the aforementioned French and Indians and whoever. There was no thought of Farmer Brown being guaranteed a cannon he could put on a hill overlooking the town and then go Festivus on them: "I got a lot of problems with you people!" There was no need to "ban" him from having it, though, as there was no imaginable way he'd ever be able to afford one. That was simply not what RKBA or 2A was about on the private side, insomuch as the Founders even considered the matter.

The whole TDF series goes into counterproductive actions--and REactions--of many 2A activists. Pertinent here: A common tactic when facing any kneejerk-reactive opponent is to drive them to hold untenable positions simply to oppose you. In this case, we see pro-gunners rightfully pointing out Biden's misleading statement, but then SOME of these people moving on toward saying that "cannon" were/should be seen as 2A-protected. The reality--that something can be legal, yet not constitutionally protected--is discarded, or more likely never considered, as these pro-gunners react to the liberals' witting or unwitting pushing them to an absolute binary conclusion. 

And for that matter, the same effect applies to some more general statements about RKBA limitations at the time of 2A ratification. 
Ignoring the parameters of the right not to be infringed only denies historical reality (see TDF 79) in favor of a false binary (TDF 109). 

The impact of all of this kneejerk on RKBA is the radicalization of the pro-gun perception in the eyes of moderates and neutrals (see TDF 67), potentially turning this vast swath of the American people actually ANTI-2A. The more the anti-gunners can cast 2A support as protecting a legal right to own such things as cannon--and then by extension machine guns, ICBMs, and weaponized anthrax--the more support for repeal of the amendment will skyrocket. 

RKBA isn't about a hobby, and it isn't about a principle. It's about firepower--the ability to apply kinetic FORCE on one's enemies in certain contexts. Without that ability, American heritage is gutted (SEE HERE), and our people are made literal prey for our enemies (TDF 46). Losing that ability on earthly "principle" is suicide. Losing that ability due to uninformed kneejerk reactionary stances is insane.