Friday, May 7, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E92: "'Fuck "principles"--save FIREPOWER!' or 'Get real, folks--we deal or we die.'"

Libertarians reject the fact that laws exist. Purists refuse to accept that reality doesn't go like that, and/or act accordingly. And both use their "principles" to refuse to engage in gritty bargaining and negotiations to save some or even most of the current level of RKBA. It's all or nothing to them--and nothing is closer to what they're likely to get for all of us.

The answer is simple: FUCK THEIR PRINCIPLES. (Actually, it's to fuck THEM, but they can be useful.) Firepower is more important than principle, because firepower stops BLM thugs from raping our White daughters, while principle and five bucks might get you a coffee at Starbucks. BLM thugs don't freeze in position when your ten-round magazine runs dry and you yell, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!" while loading another ten-rounder (see TDF 90). "But I shouldn't have to reload that soon! So the rules should be that they freeze while I do!"

There ain't no rules in real life, folks. These fools need to get with it.