Thursday, May 6, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E90: "Saving firepower: 'RKBA: Pragmatism vs principle,' or 'Yes, 20 rounds is better than 10 rounds and a four-word chant.'"

A difficulty the pro-gun conservative/Right has in combating gun legislation is a purist and libertarian approach. This approach prevents pragmatic actions that could save a great deal of firepower and hamper anti-gun legislative and jurisprudential momentum. This is a mistake from which we must turn.

TDF 67, TDF 77 and many other editions discuss the problems behind the libertarian and purist mindsets. They are spoiled brats, ruined by "freedom" and prosperity because they let it turn their minds into an odd form of entitlement--they get what they want, period. Then reality--the demands for gun control by those moderate, neutral, or opposed to gun rights--hits, and they can only act as petulant children. They act to actually handicap efforts to politically mitigate potential anti-gun legislative or judicial efforts (TDF 25).

The result: Thinking, function-focused people whose ideas would help the American people are drowned out, and MORE loss of RKBA than was destined to happen occurs. What might have been saved is lost, tactical power is reduced, and BLM thugs are able to rape and riot all the more.

And all in the name of, "Shall Not Be Infringed."

However, raising the capacity limit to 20 by political mitigation (see TDF 49 for how this is actually quite possible) would preserve the vast majority of "standard-capacity" pistol magazines--saving people money on replacing them with lower-capacity versions--and thereby increase firepower for use against BLM thugs, saving more homes and businesses from pillaging.

Principles don't stop BLM thugs. Don't let purism and libertarianism stand in the way of this.

TDF 49 explores the issue of political engagement to raise proposed specifically pistol-caliber magazine limits. Excerpted below.


THE DAILY FUDD: E49: "Save hicap PISTOL-caliber magazines."

UPSHOT: Hicaps in pistol-caliber weapons are more important than in rifle-caliber arms, and so long as they are preserved, losses in rifle-caliber capacities have at least a chance of being restored.

From 2018, but with validity today: 

Increased urban and suburban life in America renders full-power rifles less practical and legally/politically defensible from a Blackstone defense right perspective (the essential focus of Heller), and makes pistol-caliber arms more fitting from a tactical perspective. They are more akin to the 1688/89 English Bill of Rights "blunderbuss" and Blackstone RKBA. Thus, it is easier to defend hicaps and AW features on them than on full-power rifles.

Pistol-caliber long guns can be described as "overgrown handguns," and can thus draw on Heller's pistol-centric decision, as well as being--along with home-defense shotguns--quite directly the modern descendants of the blunderbuss--"And Your Honor, blunderbusses have been in truth guaranteed since 1688."

Thus, a ready argument presents itself that the defensive nature of pistol-caliber arms in the present civilian setting overrides concerns over criminal use of AW-type features and components. It certainly would aid in at least raising the maximum capacity of pistol-caliber magazines. As I noted in TDF 46:

The fact is that, apart from low-end "hunting" rifles perhaps, handgun ownership far and away holds the best chance of getting the biggest 2A-related support, even--maybe especially--in Blue States. It's core Heller, and normal pistols are less "scary-looking" than most tactically-geared long guns. It is with handguns that escaping magazine capacity limits--or at least making them far more reasonable than the usual ten (twenty would cover virtually all "standard-capacity" ones)--has the best chance. 

Also noted there (drawing from TDF 22), and related to the increased urbanization of America, is the effect of liberal gun ownership might have in mitigation:

Continuing on, pistol-caliber arms can be distinguished tactically from full-power rifles in that the former's employment in defensive situations more often involves active movement. Someone facing an attack on the street and "bearing" a CCW piece will be seeking to move to a safer location, and a home defender with either pistol or carbine may well have to move from room to room to confront an intruder. Either situation makes reloading all the more difficult and risky.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.