Sunday, May 30, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E105: "TDF's Greatest Hits--Preview."

I am compiling a guide to TDF editions categorized by key points of the series. This is a partial list and description of those points. The full album will come out soon. [EDIT: Series on hiatus.]

1. Fuddish preparation: While not ideal or truly 2A-fulfilling, civilians can still be effectively armed for both Blackstone defense and Militia functions: Revolvers, pump shotguns, and bolt-action or featureless semi-autos can do the job.

2. Political mitigation: By engaging and doing normal political bargaining, we can SAVE more firepower from legislative and judicial loss. 2A practitioners need to understand it, frankly, it's worth compromise to preserve combat power, since "principle" doesn't help kill BLM thugs and keep them from raping our women.

3. 2A/RKBA scope: Not everything firearm-related is 2A-protected. The history of RKBA goes back long before the Constitution, and thus so does the jurisprudence and customs affecting it.

4. Not all guns are created equal: There are categories, priorities of categories, and baseline elements. 

5. PISTOL-CALIBER ARMS are key: Politically, legally, juriprudentially,, etc., etc., we are on stronger ground defending pistol-caliber arms, which frankly are of more use for more people than full rifle-caliber arms. A settlement preserving most normal pistol items (including at least 20-round magazines) and a baseline rifle capability (bolt-action or featureless semi-auto, even if only with 10-round magazines) will maintain the effective power currently in civilian hands.

6. Function over rights: We love our rights, but the function and purpose must take precedent. 2A hobbyists and purists, and libertarians, need to grow up. No, we "shouldn't have to" make these compromises, but *I* shouldn't have to compete in the job market with lazyass people who can't be fired, because their skin is darker than mine. But I don't yell, "Equal protection!" and give up. I still compete, and do what I have to in order to maintain my employment.

7. It's not all personal: Federalist 46 is about STATE action. "Militia" is a collective, even if RKBA itself is private/individual. Standardization's benefits are worth sacrifice, and might be indicated by "well-REGULATED" in 2A (cf. Federalist 29).

8. "Freedom" plus prosperity (and Heller) have made us selfish as a people (and as 2A practitioners): When people can get basically whatever they want, they get spoiled. For 2A practitioners, it can be impossible to see obvious points that the vast bulk of the population readily sees, and thus link irrevocably to 2A things that are political killers. Heller has given 2A practitioners an excuse to just yell, "Shall not be infringed!" and not deal with threats. It will cost us.

9. Most people disagree with 2A purists and libertarians heavily, and there is room for applying 2A in a way that impacts on concerns while maintaining Militia efficacy.

10. The "NATO" approach to gun rights--an attack on one gun is an attack on all--is self-defeating. See all the above.

Expect the full album soon, along with an exposition on 10.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.