Friday, April 16, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E76: "State nullification of fed gun control: Neat, but not halfway there--Federalist 46 and the FINAL answer."

In short, refusal to cooperate on enforcement of UNCONSTITUTIONAL gun laws (even if we can reach a baseline agreement on that) is fine, but unless accompanied by kinetic action against federal enforcers, it leaves people in still a precarious situation. Most of these laws and policies provide no means of stopping federal actors, and it leaves the government situation--i.e., the Harris-Biden insurrection--in place and operating.

The answer, of course, is Federalist 46. These various "nullifications" and whatnot are fine (provided they focus on the egregious things), but only the vision of the Founders, especially that of James Madison--fourth POTUS and "Father of the Constitution"--can make the changes needed and truly restrain what needs to be restrained.

The truth is, ALL governments and government forms based on popular representations, as America's is--it's "democracy," but some don't like that term--are subject to shifting winds of politics, social conditions, changing values and morals, etc., etc., etc. Written documents only REALLY mean what the people of a given time say they mean, and only have the authority those people give them. In truth, they are--as one noted statesman of the previous century put it--"scraps of paper." Even the Decalogue stands little better--it was written on tablets of stone, but people break it all the time. Only more autocratic systems--like serious monarchies--have serious stability and can mean what they mean.

Our constitutional system marked an improvement of the previous Articles of Confederation. They created a workable central government while including guarantees to the States and the People. But alas, it was written on paper. And the "freedom" it affords has served to facilitate the decline of fundamental bases of our society. When a people CAN move away--generally LEFT politically--they WILL move away. Such is the human nature that libertarians ignore, or even deny. As some point, the situation in that regard reaches the point that the People--the "popular representation" force--cannot fix it or turn back. "Tolerance" has become "facilitation" and "enablement," and ultimately a means of "enforcement." (We call this PC and "civil rights.")

In our heritage, the Founders were not blind to this. John Adams, second POTUS, was a man of faith, and he expressed the situation in those terms. He noted that when a people lost these traditional bearings, the constitutional system he had helped establish--that is, "freedom" itself to a degree, at least--would be unworkable.

To say that has no resemblance to today is nonsensical. The very fact that if I were to list a slew of the departures from that state--no matter how secular a modulation one might put on it--would lead to most readers dissenting more than once from it--"Well, I don't think THAT'S so bad," or "Hey, I kinda like that one!"--shows the depths we have moved.

A CAVEAT TO THIS: Indeed, not everything of the past was objectively good. And people cannot ignore that. That is the reality of our human existence. And it admittedly makes politics for the Patriot/Right more difficult, because while most of our problems would be solved by going BACK, sometimes the more progress elements have a point. I've often noted that everyone on the conservative/Right has at least one place where they break Left politically. (For me, it's animal welfare.) 

The reality today is that our Constitution in unsuitable. Our changes in demographics, values, and character mean that the popular representation political system will act with the decline of humans in a free setting to pull us more away--Left--from our heritage, as well as become more and more unworkable when viewed from any rational perspective. Ultimately, per Adams' vision, we WILL need to change to something with more bite to it in our system if we are to survive as the people we were at the Founding.

That we will change is perhaps the only certainty in this. Either the current trend--empowered by the 2020 Election Steal and the refusal to stop it by the American people--will ultimately make the departure official (per the experiences of Rhodesia and South Africa), or Patriots (and Patriots of all stripes) will stand and pull us back in operative terms to the basic--albeit more learned and carefully reformed--foundation that was America and Western civilization.

But until then...