Thursday, April 15, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E73: "Baseline of baseline: Revolvers, 'blunderbuss,' and bolt-action rifle."

The Second Amendment is all but dead. Traditional RKBA is threatened, but MAY have a chance of minimal survival. I've long held that White people in America will at least maintain South Africa-level prerogatives on arms. But the key will be not to be greedy. That means libertarians will have to keep quiet, and purists will have to acknowledge defeat. And both will have to focus on what is NEEDED.

So, in that vein, first I will recall the suggested armory from TDF 8:

Next, I will fudd it down so as to make it the most likely survivable of the incoming wave of gun control. (And I will remind readers that the American people chose this by failing the heed the Federalist 46 vision that I promoted.) This is not for immediate implementation immediately, but people should be prepared to go to this:

1. Go all manual action. Banning self-functioning arms could theoretically be done by declaring them all "readily convertible" to machine guns. Point 5 is thus automatically covered; Point 2 might be considered nullified, but revolvers do exist in 9mm. If automatics are restricted, that round might be as well. Virtually all other automatic pistol rounds will be restricted automatically.
2. Go .410 shotgun for Point 3, to take advantage of some liberal preferences for shotguns, while keeping some of the usability of carbines and such.
3. Consider .45LC for Point 4, due to potential restrictions on automatic pistol calibers. Potential might exist for .45/.410 revolvers, as even restrictive states (save California) permit them. Single-action-only might also be considered as anticipatory.
4. Go bolt-action for Point 6, and don't overplay the features. However, this category will decline in importance for urban individuals and families if things progress. The war will be over.

And now...

1. CCW revolver: Probably .38(/.357) as most common revolver caliber. But maybe .45. 😁
2. .410 home-defense shotgun: "Modern blunderbuss." Manual-action PCCs are possible, but more susceptible to bans. 
3. .45 (iconic--CCW-compatible or not) revolverPossibly .45/.410 in optimism; possibly single-action-only in pessimism. Less conspicuous than any long gun. Larger frame models make good true "sidearms" and might be less susceptible to bans if CCW is abolished.
4. "Sturdy" bolt-action rifle if desired: More politically defensible for rural-dwellers.
5. Retain 9mm if reasonable, but build no reliance on it. 

And finally...

CONCLUSION: "THREE-GUN"--Two pistols and a long gun (or two!).
1. .38/.357 REVOLVER for carry/backup (.45s are too big for easy carry). (Retain 9mm if reasonable, but build no reliance on it.)
2. .45 REVOLVER for home use/sidearm (heritage and last-to-be-banned large-frame).
3. "MODERN BLUNDERBUSS" of some sort, and/or (sturdy) BOLT-ACTION RIFLE (especially rural) for "full equipage."

Fits the minimal-essential with a strong political situation. There's a tad of fat there, but much more cutting into American RKBA would hit the "blunderbuss" core of our Anglo-American right. It's shameful the American people failed our country and heritage, and are bringing us to this.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.