Monday, April 12, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E70: "Racial insurrectionist riot in Minnesota under anti-gun Harris/Biden insurrection: Patriot priorities and planning."

Below is a tactical description dating from 2018. At the time, Point 1 was priority, as the threat was from attacks in public on Patriots. In 2020, Points 2 and 3 moved into priority due to the growth of the BLM insurrection and chances of a civil war. With the failure of the American people and States to stop the 2020 Election Steal, we face a situation where we may be back to Point 1, plus some of 2, as the priority, not due to the tactical situation so much as because Point 3 will face legal strangling. If that happens, it was the fault of our people.

RECOMMENDATION: Acquire uber-PC rifles. Focus work politically on more defensible pistol-caliber arms: Preserve magazine capacity and PCC features.

And Patriots need to develop COLLECTIVE action plans. No time for individualism.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.