Sunday, April 11, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E:67: "'Answering RKBA questions,' or 'A 2A purist, a 2A hobbyist, and a libertarian walk into a serious RKBA discussion...'"

SPECIAL NOTE: (See TDF 25 regarding "Political Mitigation" of gun control efforts by engagement and negotiation--rather than denial, a NATO-like defense of everything that shoots, and chants of, "Shall not be infringed!")

Today we will discuss the divergent responses of various categories of people on matters of guns, the Second Amendment, and the Right to Arms. These are the "2A Purist," the "2A Hobbyist," the "Libertarian," the typical "2A Activist," the regular "Moderate/Neutral" on RKBA (the vast bulk of the American population), and the "2A-focused Patriot." These categories do not cover all people not affirmatively anti-gun, but the distinctions here are telling enough.

When a given point of controversy or concern about the guarantee of private armament is raised:

2A PURIST: "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! If you say, 'I support 2A, but...' you don't support it, period."

2A HOBBYIST: "But I wanna!!!"

LIBERTARIAN: "Don't listen to the conspiracy. There shouldn't be ANY laws about... *takes draw* Hey, Dude! What were we talking about?"

2A ACTIVIST: "I'd love to engage the matter legislatively with negotiations, but the Purists and the Libertarians would yell."

REGULAR MODERATE/NEUTRAL: "I might actually support 2A/RKBA, BUT, there are some things that you need explain to me why people in private/civilian settings need them or should have them, and especially why it should be considered a protected right."

2A-FOCUSED PATRIOT: "RKBA is a key part of American heritage, and it serves as a restraint at so many levels against the advance of Globalism/liberalism/anti-Western heritage thought in America, and thus, Western civilization. Allow me explain the purpose, reason, or function behind the specific point is question, and weigh its essential nature toward that heritage and the 2A civilian Militia function in the context of Anglo-American Common Law, the writings of the Founders, the Constitution, jurisprudence, and the sociopolitical and technological state in which we live, hoping to preserve what is essential firepower as constitutionally protected in civilian hands..."


Effects on the Moderate/Neutral category by the others:

The Purist alienates and offends them, offering no substantive defense, and perhaps driving the Neutrals into the anti-gun camp.

The Hobbyist strikes them as a petulant child, acting and demanding without regard to the consequences of heeding their demands. They offer no compelling reason for the free access to arms that they demand.

The Libertarian is shown to be disregarding of society, period, and the systems, laws, etc., that make for "domestic tranquility." They destroy their own credibility.

The 2A Activist seems oblivious to the fears some hold, and ultimately are just seeking an audience and following. He or she might even be disingenuous.

The 2A-focused Patriot tries to answer their questions, because they genuinely believe RKBA is important in its own right. (See TDF 25 regarding "Political Mitigation" of gun control efforts by engagement and negotiation, rather than denial, a NATO-like defense of everything, and chants of, "Shall not be infringed!")


What the real aim of the pro-2A categories should be:

Answer: The maintenance as a right to the requisite firepower to accomplish the intent of RKBA--from Blackstone defense to civilian Militia function. RKBA is not a matter of self-indulgence or some point of libertarian debate. Like all rights, it has functions, and should be viewed in the framework of those functions. The elements of the right can indeed be rated in terms of "essential" levels--per Benjamin Franklin's admonition "essential" rights ("liberties") not be forsaken for merely "a little temporary safety"--thus implying the existence of LESS essential liberties not covered by his admonition.

The following outline was initially composed in 2018, with that tactical and sociopolitical environment in sight, yet the principles remain valid. While some fellow "2A-focused Patriots" may dissent on aspects or priorities, it demonstrates a key point that the Purist, Hobbyist, and Libertarian far and away fail to the detriment of the RKBA cause to hold: "The Second Amendment ain't about indulgence."

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.