Saturday, April 10, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E65: "Reply to comment on Gateway Pundit article about WV plan to challenge Insurrection gun control -- Need to be smart about it."

ARTICLE: West Virginia Attorney General Promises to Sue Biden Admin if He Enacts His Gun Control Policies (   


COMMENT: Convention of States NOW.

Every red and purple state needs to sign on immediately. We will have the 34 needed then.

MY REPLY: (No link at this time--yet to be approved)

I told people to contact State governments about a Federalist 46 stand by the States against the Election Steal. Very few people listened and did likewise. But if you insist on this Article 5 approach, be aware that liberals will engage on this and make up part of every State's delegation. They don't just stand off and yell some incantation like conservatives do. So people like you might have to actually sacrifice time and money to actually be part of the Convention. Then you have to decide what it is you're working for. On 2A/RKBA matters, odds are your views of it are in the minority among the people of the United States. Are you going to try in your supplemental amendment to include everything you want? Will you try for things like SBRs, full-auto, and even explosive ordnance? Those are things that would guarantee defeat of any amendment you managed to get out of the Convention. Or are you going to take a moderate tack: Specific provisions for suitable home and personal protection, CCW, and maybe some sort of "Militia"-type arm, with some regulation outlined? That would gain you a lot of political support from the population, as MOST PEOPLE ARE RATHER MODERATE OR NEUTRAL ON THE MATTER. But libertarians, purists, and agitator moles will complain, stir up trouble, and essentially defeat your effort or at least make you out to be anti-2A. I support the latter, because maintaining some baseline firepower in the hands of the citizenry is more important than pursuing a futile and self-destructive effort at something far beyond what can be done. Here is something I put together: The American people allowed the Election Steal. They are suffering the consequences. Most Patriots didn't act--though I myself did. They have to consider the new circumstances. I laid out the way.

(BTW, we need 38 States--39 after PR and DC are made States.)

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.