Thursday, April 22, 2021

The big agenda under Heaven: Destruction of White/Western and American heritage is the point.

Greg Penglis' "Action Radio" talked today about the showtrial for the officer accused of murdering a drugged-up Black thug. A lot was discussed, albeit with Penglis' usual TEA Party style and one of their regulars passing on a myth about Abraham Lincoln owning slaves. It's generally worth the listen. I called in, but he never got to me. That fine. I was going to say:

All those pedestrian trees notwithstanding, the point of it all is opposition to White/Western civilization. It's not all race--though that's a component and a tool. To say it's specifically anti-Christian Satanic, as some would assert, falls short, as most Christian-professing people are outside White/Western civilization. And not some NWO thing. Just a commonality of agenda. Marine LePen has it right: It's more Patriot versus Globalist than Right versus Left.

The answer is to throw off White/Western Guilt pathology, and urge our elected STATE leaders to read Federalist 46 and use their power as they in their positions of authority see as possible. And I must add, use in all this an originalist--which is NOT libertarian--Second Amendment application. (Again, it's NOT libertarian in expanse or import. I'd probably get a B-rating from the NRA, to be honest.)

White/Western pride.
Federalist 46 STATE action.
Private arms with a community vision."