Tuesday, March 16, 2021

VIDEO with Bill Shatner and my comment, which might explain my "magnetic personality"-derived nerdish difficulty with tools and devices.

Link goes to Story 3 at 33:47 point. It's about a woman who seems to affect electrical equipment and such, as well as being put upon by people and institutions. Suggested explanations are government mind-control testing, mental issues (paranoia), and synchronicity (per Pauli Effect). Following video is my explanation which takes elements from the final two in a rational way (and thus likely the correct one).


Electrolytes affecting personal magnetic fields and the like might explain things like Story 3. I myself have issues with handheld touch-screen devices doing things seemingly on their own, even when in my pocket. I would jokingly attribute it "my magnetic personality," but maybe there's something to it--some people generating different levels of fields due to physiology differences. She put it all at the time she went back to school. More mental activity, more academics, stress of being a non-traditional student... All would contribute to both physiological and mental states. Add stress, paranoia, self-consciousness, and a potential feeling of being put upon.