Saturday, March 27, 2021

THE DAILY FUDD: E51: "FUN VIDEO: 'Firefly' fudd firefight -- And yes, firepower is that important."

"Firefly/Serenity" is one of the iconic "space western" science-fiction franchises. I discussed it in TDF 16 ("Heller, phasers, and Firefly: RKBA's unfortunate built-in planned obsolescence--sorta") in the context of how it could depict the future world--or rather, a universe--we face, where civilian arms technology was largely frozen at a present-day (early 21st-century) level, while government/military technology continued to advance: 

This raises the specter of the "Firefly/Serenity Scenario." For the uninitiated, the "Firefly" television series, with the derivative "Serenity" movie, is a science fiction franchise set about five hundred years in the future. It is perhaps the ultimate "space western," with low-tech scenes of literal horses in regular use, alongside hovercraft and holograms. Civilian arms are not dissimilar from present-day arms, often with Old West appearance and heavily manual-action. Some automatics are included, and so not banned, and I suspect creator Joss Whedon (of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fame) put more Old West stuff in the show more to accentuate the "Western" element than to suggest legislation against more modern arms. At the same time, though, "federal" authorities are cruising around with full-auto and directed-energy arms. One scene features a rich civilian opening carrying a laser pistol, and the lead character mentions that the particular weapon is illegal.

Here is a clip from the episode, "War Stories." It is almost surreal seeing a firefight in the uber-high-tech surroundings of a space station and such, with a lead fighter wielding... a Winchester Model 1873 lever-action. Yet in true fudd fashion, firepower IS firepower:

A technical note: Much of the gunfire has a different sound than present-day fire. Perhaps it is meant to suggest advances in gunpowder had reduced the sound of firing. Such would be a good development.

A lesson of truth here: RKBA is important to many Americans, and rightfully so. I deleted a post earlier somewhat hyperbolically illustrating the deep role that the Power of Arms has in our world. Whatever one's conscience and scruples on the issue, there is no denying that the kinetic power is THE power in our age under Heaven. Rasczak was right:

Firepower really does matter. Whether high or low at any given time or in any given society, it really does matter. Let us keep it.

TDF INDEX: Cats, Guns, and National Security: THE DAILY FUDD index.