Thursday, March 25, 2021

A word on "natural rights" that is radical, reactionary, and moderate all at the same time.

"If you want to know about 'natural rights,' ask the bird my cat caught, tortured, and ate last spring. Nature itself is rough and oppressive. It doesn't give 'rights.' It expresses its order and creates our needs." -- Me.

(Dad was so proud.)

"Radical," in that it departs from common (American) conservative/Rightwing dogma and acknowledges "needs."

"Reactionary," in that it denies liberal/Left bleeding-heart claims of entitlement and acknowledges a "(natural) order."

And "moderate," in that it hits both sides (above) and turns the focus to the issues themselves.

No fucking idea why the blog is doing the line break between the quote mark and "(natural)." I tried several times to fix it.