Wednesday, February 24, 2021

This liberal is a liar or self-deceiving, or both, but he has a point we must consider now.

Watch the video before or after reading my brilliant commentary. But do both.

(Screenshot is from another video, but posted here for its expressive effect.)

This liberal gunner claims more liberals owning guns will reduce efforts by liberal politicians to ban them. While I do agree that the post-2YK/9-11 and 2020 growth in lower-end gun ownership--particularly handguns--can and should be used in preserving some base-level RKBA following the Election Steal, he does miss the bigger point: The concern about liberal gun ownership is that in the event of civil war, they will be on the wrong side. 

I confess, prior to the Steal--back when I thought the American people might actually stand against the tyranny that 2A purists had claimed was the target of their keeping of higher-end arms--I was much more inclined toward concern about civil war. I didn't want the enemy armed when we--per Federalist 46--had to kill them to save Western heritage. Now, though, with the American people failing, and the preservation of American and Western national heritage on the verge of becoming a subculture waiting for the time to rise and reestablish our rightful place, conditions on the ground require a shift-fire.

So, this guy is wrong in thinking that liberal politicians will cease most anti-gun efforts. He has a certain point about the lower end, which I discuss in a comment on the video reproduced below. (NOTE that "frankly ironic" has been edited out since screenshot was taken.)

As a Rightwing Patriot, I will say that you make a partial point on the effect of liberal gun ownership on liberal politicians, but only a partial point. The post-2YK/9-11 and frankly ironic 2020 growth in lower-end gun ownership--particularly handguns--can and should be used in preserving some base-level RKBA in coming years. But it will likely have no real effect on efforts against higher-end arms--ARs and the like. Things like PISTOL hicap bans might be combatted--liberals bought 9mm's with truly "standard capacity" mags, and might want to keep them), but semi-auto long guns and AW characteristics will continue to be targeted. As I've long tried to explain to pro-gunners on my own side, it is wrong to make RKBA positions an either-or. The vast swath of people are neutral or moderate on the matter. So I can accept that some liberals can be technically pro-gun, but the vast majority will only be so at the lower end of the arms spectrum--i.e., moderate at most. BTW, I find it fascinating how you as a liberal acknowledge liberal YouTube censorship. Just sayin'.

I didn't mention the civil war aspect nor explicitly reference the "2020 Election Steal"--as much as I wanted to. I made the tactical decision in order to hopefully head off him deleting the comment. That was a fascinating trait of this fellow: He's a self-professed liberal--which classically means he's all for "free speech"--yet openly acknowledges censoring views he dislikes. Match that with his attempt to get around YouTube censorship of gun ads ("rhymes with 'E-Z'" in his announcement at the beginning), and perhaps it will help conservatives understand that liberals aren't about principle, but results.

Honestly, we can learn from them on this. NEW RULES!


UPDATE: "Sapper Gentleman" replied. Not sure, but he might actually be covering for YouTube. I screenshot it in case our liberal friend decides to uber-liberal and censor yours truly.

UPDATE 2: The fellow claims, "Patreon doesn't allow pew giveaways, and yes they do scan our content somehow. I got flagged on my first go round."
I cannot readily confirm or deny that.