Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Why my "fudding" (focus on baseline, minimalist approaches to RKBA practitioning).

Written with regard to "high-capacity" magazines, but more generally applicable.

I'm largely practical and function-focused when it comes to firearms and RKBA, not intent on indulgence or some sort of principle. If hicaps get buyback'ed or NFA'ed, there will be an even bigger run on low-caps. I wanted a baseline supply in advance of that. Think about it. In that situation, if someone doesn't "comply with orders," and so buries their hicaps , they can't readily access them in a "situation." And they couldn't use unburied and unregistered ones in a normal self-defense event, because then the authorities would become aware of them. So, to maintain capability 24/7, low-caps are called for. Hence, I tell people regardless of their attitude toward laws to buy non-AW arms and mags. Maybe even think way ahead of society and get a baseline revolver. (A Ruger Vaquero in .45 is downright iconic!) Even South Africa allows White people "one gun per lifetime," so I don't believe we'll see total gun ban this century, barring a complete and open collapse of American sovereignty. (And even then, the practicality issue would remain.) But the range of RKBA guarantee might narrow. And given the current trend of anti-gun focus being on long guns, not handguns, and liberals kinda liking being armed, at least at baseline, since Y2K and 9/11, revolvers will be the last thing banned. I will say I'm anticipating the worst. Most likely, a buyback/NFA-ing on pistol mags won't be $200 per and 10rd limit. Too many liberals have autos with truly standard-capacity mags, and a number of liberal states have 15rd limit on pistols. Almost certainly the tax would be far lower, and almost as certainly the cap max would be more like 15, probably even 20. But I like to prep for the worst, as I said. Posted here: