Thursday, January 28, 2021

Something on "Hitler's Revenge" and alignments in World War 2--and the parallels today.

A post in response to the question, "Will never understand how Russia got away with invading Poland along with the Germans, we declare war on one and ally the other?"

Historically the Right wing on the global scene has done far better policing its own than has the Left. With this quirk in ideology and the closeness of Germany as a threat, the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach was taken. It is, of course, a two-edged sword--sometimes self-defeating for the Right, and very much subject to use against them by their enemies on the Left. We've seen that in the past few years with claims that "conservatives" are duty-bound to ally with the Left against supposed "fascists," even to the point of destroying their own policy agendas. Much of this stems from White/Western Guilt manifesting as what some call, "Hitler's Revenge"--the phenomenon that nationalism for Western (White) nations is perceived to be innately "Nazi" in the literal sense of the word (even if it's for the State of Israel!), while nationalisms of non-White/Western(ized) peoples are "liberating." Check out Herbert Marcuse's "Liberating Tolerance"--the idea that "true" tolerance requires INtolerance toward the Right. This is EXACTLY the motivation behind the current Cancel Culture. The USSR used Marcusian double standards at Nuremburg to attempt to have the legal theory be that it was illegal for specifically "fascist" regimes to wage "aggressive war," but NOT Leftist-Socialist regimes such as their own. Had that been adopted, it would have been used in what became the Cold War to prevent Western democracies from acting to defend their interests. Leftist elements within their own countries would have labeled them, "fascist," and thus have actual LEGAL basis for their undercutting of efforts to contain Soviet and Chinese expansionism. In the immediate context of circa 1940, the aligning with the USSR against Nazi Germany had an argument in its favor. The Nazis had an evil operation that needed to be stopped. The problem today, of course, is the Left's playbook use of that situation. Western-style "freedom" has shown itself in recent months to be far too susceptible to such subversion, with strong nationalist leaders and, indeed, Western heritage being the victims. Something different and stronger is needed--but that is a discussion for another venue. Posted at: