Saturday, January 2, 2021

Response to article questioning Trump being all that pro-2A.

Trump has been pro-2A for decades. He was, though, influenced by his NY background for a long time.

Problem with ideologues is that they become dogmatists. They judge not based on intent, effect, or sentiment, but on adherence to an orthodoxy.

Trump banned bump stocks because they effectively create full-auto fire. I have elsewhere made originalist argument that would preclude full-auto from 2A protection. I've also raised ideas which, while not serving self-indulgent desires of some, would actually make intent of 2A--efficacy of civilian Militia--stronger, & probably more legally secure.

Perhaps you think all that makes me not pro-2A. Yet, in reality my ideas make RKBA something MORE sustainable today. My aim goes beyond 2A, in fact. It is to see an armed citizenry, not simply a citizenry with a right to own guns.

Truth is, Trump is the most pro-2A GOP POTUS since Teddy Roosevelt. He's learned to depart from some problematic stances, and he stood strong after Parkland. Be objective.